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~Ginny POV~

The sun began to set as we walked through the grounds. "He bit me." Ron screams dropping Scabbers. I try to grab Scabbers but he runs away. "Ginny, Ron no." Hermione shouts as we run after him. 

~No POV~

Harry and Hermione chase after their friends running through the trees.  Hermione and Harry reached the top of the ridge. "Harry. You do realize what tree this is?" Hermione asks Harry. "That's not good." He replies.

~Ginny POV~

Rod grabbed Scabbers and held him tightly. "Now behave yourself." He says.  I knelt next to Ron. "Ron! Ginny! Run!" Harry called to us from a distance, it wasn't a far distance but it was far enough we had to yell to hear each other. Ron and I turned to look toward Harry, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It had huge jet black eyes, and it was dog like. "Harry run!" Ron yells. Harry looks toward the dog-like creature and it jumps clean over him. 

Ron screams as the dog's teeth sink into his foot and begins dragging him towards the tree. Harry and I lunged toward Ron grabbing his hands but it was no use we were being pulled with Ron. "I've got you guys." Hermione says as she stands on Harry's feet, but that didn't work either.  Now all four of us were being dragged. "Harry!" Ron screams. We all look up to see the dog vanish into a gap in the tree. Ron then begins to be dragged through the gap in the tree. "Hold on Ron." I yell. It was no use this dog was too strong, I began to feel the wet, hot tears stream down my face I couldn't lose my brother, I was not going to let this dog take my brother without a fight. I look at Ron trying to figure something out to help him, he looks me in the eyes and it's almost like I can read his mind. "Ron no!" I cry. He slowly releases his fingers from my hand, he was going to sacrifice himself. "NO!" I scream looking into my brother's scared eyes, but he closes his eyes and just lets go disappearing into the tree.

I felt myself struggling to breathe. Was my brother going to die, was this going to be the end? I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder, it was Blaise I had completely forgotten he was still here. He was probably really confused. We all go to run into gap in the tree. There was a woosh, Hermione and I duck but the branch hits Harry smack in the face causing his glasses to fall off his face. Hermione jumps over a tree branch only to be grabbed by another. I felt myself being thrown around and the next thing I know I'm being thrown into Harry who now has his glasses. I reached out grabbing onto him, we were being thrown around like rag dolls. The branches threw us into the gap of the tree and I landed with a large thud. "Ow." I yelp. "Yea easy for you to say you didn't get landed on." Harry says pulling me close. "Ginny are you okay." Blaise asks pulling me to my feet and into a hug. "I'm okay now let's find my brother." I say determend. "Where do you suppose this goes?" Hermione asks.  "I have a hunch but I hope I am wrong. Lumos!" He says as light appears at the end of his wand.

The pathway was covered in roots as we walked. Blaise grabbed my hand pulling me back. "I have to find my brother." I say. All of a sudden the tunnel just ends, I push on the wall in front of us trying to get it open. "Up here." Blaise says pointing to the opening above us. "I'm gonna go first and make sure it's clear. Blaise will you help the girls up?" Harry asks. Blaise gives him a nod and Harry hoists himself through the opening disappearing. We waited a few minutes. Harry leans down pulling me up. I glance around and realize we were in the shrieking shack. Harry pulls Hermione through and Blaise soon follows. "We're in the Shrieking Shack, aren't we?" Hermione asks. No one answers her as the ceiling creaks causing us to run up the stairs. "Nox." Harry calls out causing it to go dark. 

We all exchange a look and Harry points to his wand and we all have our wands ready we were prepared for whatever was to come next and we weren't going down without a fight. Harry kicks the door down and we run in. Ron was sitting on the clutching his foot. I ran over to him hugging him. "Are you okay?" I ask "The dog? Where's the?" Harry says as Ron cuts him off. "He's the dog. It's a trap, Harry. He's an Animagus." Ron says. I follow the paw prints until they turn into a dirty pair of human feet. It was the man from the common room. 

Harry draws his wand and Ron pulls me closer. "If you want to kill Harry you'll have to kill us too." I say. "No. only one will die tonight." Sirius says. "Then it will be you." Harry says. "Harry no!" Hermione calls to him. The silent room was now filled with footsteps "Going to kill me Harry?" Sirius asks. "Yes." Harry says through his teeth, he raises his wand and bam, the door bursts open."Professor Lupin!" We all shout, he ignores us looking toward sirius. "Looking a bit ragged, aren't we, Sirius?" Lupin asks. "You'd know all about that madness within, wouldn't you, Remus?" Sirius says to him. They were taunting each other. Lupin steps forward embracing Sirius like a brother. "No! I trusted you! I covered for you. And all this time you've been his friend." Hermione screams pointing at Sirius. "He's a werewolf! That's why he's been missing classes!" She continues. Sirius lets a howl "How long have you known?" Lupin asks. "Since Professor Snape set the essay." She says proudly. "You're the brightest witch of your age I've ever met, Hermione." Lupin says. "Yes, you glow like the sun. And you howl at the moon. Enough talk! He dies. Now. If you won't do it with me, Remus, I'll do it alone." Sirius says. "Wait Sirius." professor Lupin calls out. "I did my waiting! Twelve years of it! In Azkaban! Trust me, you wouldn't have lasted a week!" Sirius says to Lupin. "All right then as you wish." Lupin says. "No." Harry yells and raises his wand. Lupin quickly disarmed him and Harry was furious. "You betrayed my parents! You sold them to Voldemort." Harry shouts. "It's a lie! I never would've betrayed James and Lily!" Sirius responds. "Harry you've gotta listen." Lupin pleads. "Did he listen? When my mother was dying! Did he hear her screaming?" Harry shouts. "No, I wasn't there and I'll regret it for the rest of my life." Sirius says sincerely. Harry looks at Sirius with pain in his eyes. "Someone else betrayed your parents, Harry. Someone in this room right now. Someone who, until recently, I believed to be dead." Lupin says. "He's as good as dead." Sirius says. "What are you talking about? There's nobody here." Harry questions. "Oh yes there is." Sirius says. 


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