Valentines special!

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William sat alone in the restaurant waiting for someone very special. It had only been five minutes past when he'd asked to meet but he was getting anxious. You see, the special person he had asked to have dinner with at this restaurant was none other than his business partner and best friend since high school, Henry Emily. To add to the panic he wasn't even sure if Henry liked him back. He didn't even ask him out in person, instead opting to leave a note on his desk signed so he knew who it was. He knew Henry would be far too scared to go on a blind date. At least if he knew who it was he would be able to reject him without awkwardness. Well at least no awkwardness until the next time they were at work. Every second more fear rose inside him.

Oh god what if Henry hated him after this.

William bounced his leg on the floor chewing the inside of his cheek to the brink of beginning to bleed. He stared at the door as if it was giving him a dirty look. He waited and waited. It felt like hours had passed until that familiar ginger haired man stepped into the restaurant and William breathed the biggest sigh of relief in his life. He saw Henry glance over the restaurant looking for him so he waved at him. He smiled, he actually smiled! He's glad to be here!

Henry walked over quickly dodging servers and people walking to tables. He sat down in front of him. William's mind wouldn't slow for anything but when Henry was fully in front of him he could only think one single thought. How does he look better than he always does? How was it even possible for anyone to be more beautiful than he already was..?

"...Hey, Will." He said shyly. God was he perfect, a soft pink blush on his cheeks and that ever so etherial glow in his skin. The shine in his eyes sparkling at him, was he here out of pity? Oh god what if he was? William would never be as kind or funny or good looking as him so why would he ever go out with him. 

"I can't believe you actually came..." He really couldn't believe it.

"I- oh! Will- I've liked you for ages!" Henry's voice was shaken and unsure. William's face flushed a deep shade of red.

"You have?!" William felt like such an idiot why didn't he notice? He could have had Henry way before now!

"You didn't realise?" Henry asked messing with his shaking hands on the table.

William took Henry's hands in his pulling one up to kiss the back of it making Henry look away to try to conceal the mad blush on his cheeks.

"I'm sorry love. If I had known I would've done this a lot sooner." The nickname wasn't new, he called Henry love on the daily multiple times an hour but now it meant something different. It meant that they were actually in love and not just those weirdly close friends everyone has. If they were bordering on dating before what were they going to be able to do now? Could they kiss? William had a quick thought again about that. How far would Henry even be willing to go? William was ready to do anything if given consent. He briefly thought about what intimate things he would do, how the ginger man in front of him would look under him, completely undone like a ribbon on a Christmas present pulled away to get to what gift lay beneath and God what a gift it would be.w


The dinner went off without a hitch. They talked like normal but it felt different in the low light and the slow music playing only made it more romantic. They left the restaurant together deciding to walk back to Williams house. His kids were away at their mother's for a week, god save their souls. That woman only loved Evan and Elizabeth, she didn't give a shit for Micheal the poor boy. Micheal was old enough to realise when people were hiding something too. He would surely find out about Henry and William's 'secret' soon. They would have to tell him. God if he walked in on them doing anything neither would ever live it down.

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