Redemption is often undeserved.

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Tap tap tap, footsteps echoed through the halls. A man in a purple button down sat motionless in his chair staring at a document, what it was he sort of forgot, he had completly zoned out. The footsteps grew louder, he knew what the next thing to happen would be. Henry had found the bodies, Henry was enraged. Henry was ready to lower himself to his own level while also raising himself high above in some aspects. What William did was a result of pure rage and for this he would pay, he would pay the bloodprice for the lives he had taken. Innocent children bled at his hands, screams for parents silenced in the back most rooms of the pizzaria. Blood stained floors covered with half assed paint jobs and extra furniture. Lives taken and ruined alike, William Afton's humanity was long laid to rest, pure evil, in Henry's words, was all that inhabited his heart.

His mind flashed back to the night Henry found out about what he'd done to Michael. That little prick must have showed Henry the bruises and gashes.

Henry had screamed at him worse than any other time that night, taking Michael away with him to treat his injuries.

That was where the anger sprung from, in no less than five months, five kids had gone missing, at his hands, at his blade. Some sick part of his mind was proud of the mayhem he had created and while blinded by insanity he didn't realize exactly how expensive of an action it had been.

William spun around in his chair as Henry burst through the door, he tried to stand but fell to his knees, his back buckled and he hunched over laughing hysterically.

William loved Henry, more than anything in the world but now all chances at a relationship were gone and it was all his fault. William looked up with a masochistic smile and another foul giggle.

"Pull the trigger darling~ Avenge those who I have killed, my love erase my deeds by making me pay. Oh, love! Make me new again, your divine authority may wash away my sins and replace hatred with love!" His last words did not have the desired effect, Henry pointed the gun at him showing no hesitation to pull the trigger but still not doing it yet.

"Go to fucking hell you monster, I can't believe I ever tolerated you..." Henry spat with venom in his voice. The poison in those words had replaced all sweet honey and sugar that had coated his speech in the past. In William's final moments his smile dropped and he realized properly what he'd done.

He deserved this punishment.

The quick death of a bullet to the skull was far too kind for him and what he'd done but that was just Henry, though angry he was still an angel, kind and loving not willing to make anyone suffer only being drastic when needed.

William didn't deserve Henry.

The sound of the gunshot rang throughout the room and William was greeted with less than a moment of white hot pain searing his senses.

Death was too good for the scum he had become.

Henry walked calmly away from the crime scene ensuring that all security cameras were down and erased before leaving. He had exacted revenge on a demon and god it felt good. Killing the one who caused so much suffering was euphoric.

Sorry it was short but hey, somethins better than nothin ig 😍 sorry for being gone for like- idk i cant remember i think it was 2 weeks i had an identity crisis and then learned how to cope with cosplay massive thanks to Waterwolfspirit for helping me not unalive love u baba grill.

see you soon i hope! dont lose faith in me just yet lmao!

bye my lovelies :))))

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2022 ⏰

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