It's just business

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kay so, uh, I maybe might have had a depressive episode that lasted way longer than any other I've had in my life and forgot about this book, sorry.


Songs flicked through the radio, rain assaulted the glass and two men were trying to figure out how to hide their victims. Could they really be called victims though? I mean they were bad people and they had been payed to take them out so... Whatever it's hard to explain anyway. It was a mafia boss and a couple lackeys is all, you know? The regular! This had been Henry and William's life for a long time, they had been put together as assassins, partners in 'crime'. Then slowly that fluffy, fuzzy feeling bubbled up like a fizzy drink. Call it messed up but when William saw Henry covered in the blood of bad people fully for the first time it got him really riled up, the way the red drenched his skin and hair, adorning his face in that flawless red, Jesus he was perfect! His clothes clung to his body with the fresh blood staining them. He was just so beautiful.

Desires flew wildly around his mind, how Henry might look undressed still stained with blood. The tightness in his pants grew just a little. All he wanted was to discover every ethereal inch of the mans body. Henry was all things divine and more. That figure was just so perfect, rounder in some areas, sharper in others. Soft milky thighs, waist that sinched in giving that hourglass figure. Just looking was a pleasure, touch was heaven on earth and when they were intimate, only needing eachother, William on top of Henry, it was pure ecstasy.


Henry flicked through the profile collection of the next guy they were being sent out to kill. It was some guy who sold human parts and drugs on the black market. They had scheduled to meet with him and stage a purchase, they would have just thrown him in jail but he'd escaped 6 times already so it probably wouldn't hold him for long.

"So this is our guy?" Henry asked checking the picture and leaning to show William.

"Ugly isn't he?" William laughed kissing Henry on the cheek. "Wonder how he'll feel when the hottest guy on Earth kills him. So Hen ready to add another ugly mug to your headcount?"

"Hun please we're working. Save it for the hotel, then you can have whatever you want with me." Henry giggled playfully shoving Will away.

"Aw- Alright, Alright but you have to wear the maid dress I bought you!" William backed off and looked through the profile after snatching it from his husband.

"We're in public!" Henry shouted hiding his face in his hands.

"Oh come on let me have my fun love." William said letting his hands roam his husbands body in an almost perverted way.

"Oh my- Ok can we not hun?"

"You're no fun!"

"That's not what you said last night but alright."



The bar was loud and stank of booze, it made Henry nauseous as soon as he stepped through, it was a cheap and dirty place on the bad side of the city and everyone looked like they wanted to kill you. If he was alone Henry would have been terrified of every single person in the place, afraid of them trying their funny shit with him, he wasn't a fighter but he knew how to slip poison and seduce a drug dealer. He only felt safe because he was with William and he knew we'll that that man would fight tooth and nail with fifty body builders to keep him safe.

They sat down at the table and watched to make sure they saw the guy coming in, once he sat down Henry would go over and confirm the sale, then they would do the exchange in the filthy, disease ridden bathrooms, after that Henry would lure him to a hostel nearby with the promise of a fun night. William would watch on cameras and listening devices any time Henry was out of sight, then they would have some drinks prepared by Henry, one of which would be poisoned, he would give the poison drink to the man and then boom, dead. Mission complete and Henry could go back to the nice clean hotel where he could shower and scrub all of the dirt from the evening off before going to bed with William, we both know they won't be sleeping until the early hours of the morning.

Now you may be wondering, dear reader 'oh me oh my Noah dear author of this story. How did Henry slip the poison without being noticed?' and to that I say, dear reader, tell a man to strip for you and get a condom and he will, no question asked. 

Henry tapped the man on his shoulder, William watched carefully as the scene began to unfold, he'd shoot the guy without hesitation if he even slightly indicated being a threat. He knew that would be a last resort though as Henry was always good at keeping things going right where he wanted them to go. 

They walked by Williams table and Henry gave him a subtle sultry smirk before disappearing into the bathroom, William took this as his quest to start listen through a little microphone in the thin fabric of Henry's shirt, a low neckline, bell sleeved crop that tied in the front just below his ribs in a gorgeous shade of purple, William's favourite colour. 

Everything was going well, Henry was shoving the small package of drugs into his bag after handling over the cash. He then prepared to seduce the man and get him to go back to the hotel with him for a tip.

"Listen.. Your price on this product, well, let's just say in my opinion its worth a little more, why don't you come back to my hotel room a couple blocks from here for a tip?" Henry said, nonchalantly without even breaking a sweat. William was listening closely to the exchange ready to bomb the fucking bathroom at the slightest worry that there was an issue. He felt himself getting hungrier for Henry with every word spoken he could just feel how perfect he was from his voice, no cracks or stutters, casual and relaxed like nothing was wrong.

The only thing that was wrong was that Henry wasn't under him in an expensive hotel right now.

The man agreed, William watched them leave the bar and once they were about a block down he stalked them to the hotel, keeping himself just out of view. He would be waiting in his own room in the hotel watching the cameras to see how the mission was unfolding.

It was going well, more than well even. Henry had already slipped his drink with an undetectable poison and was chatting with the man in lingerie to give the illusion that he was ready to sleep with him but the reality was the man was already going to die, he had absent mindedly taken sip of his drink and had already ingested the poison. He would be dead before he could lay a single finger on Henry.

Thirty minutes later he was dead on the ground and Henry was getting his clothes back on and preparing to leave. Their supervisor would take care of the body within the hour. They had done their part. 

Now it was time for rewards.

William had just finished gathering up all of his things from the room that he had used and was heading back to the musty lobby to get Henry and go to the hotel they were actually going to be staying at.

The raven haired man stood in the lobby waiting for around five minutes before Henry showed up, he looked tired and a little stressed probably because the guy took a little extra time to die and Henry was worried that he may have to actually sleep with him to keep their cover.


Henry sat on the comfy couch watching as William poured two glasses of wine, both lacking in any poison. He gladly took the glass happy to unwind a bit and relax, he had just gotten out of the shower and dryer his hair off, he was wearing a violet set of pyjamas that William had called sexy around fifteen times in the last five minutes. Henry snuggled into William's side and sighed just happy to be finished with that job. He was tired and still a little grossed out by all of the cheap booze and the probably bug infested hotel room that he had to be in. The hotel they were actually staying was way nicer, it was clean and really expensive. It didn't matter though, all costs were covered by the government.

"I love you darling." William said with that terribly endearing British accent pulling Henry into his chest.

"I love you too-" Henry looked up to say before being cut off by William's lips on his own.

Time and time again they'd spend nights in expensive hotels after killing people with absolutely zero consequences. It was for a good cause anyway.

And then they fucked until 5 am <3

Hope you all behaved while daddy was away >:D

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