Too little too late -pt.2

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Hope I can do this one in a little less than four days, i kinda disappeared off the internet for a bit, i was sick lolol !

Henry was sitting in the car flicking through spotify for something to play while they drove from the airport to the show, it was a two hour drive. Bosley would drive to it and Henry would get them back in a couple days. The drive was mostly quiet but Henry couldn't stop stressing over what to say if interviewed about his son. Should he give them all of what they wanted or just give a little? No lies just partial truths. He decided on just keeping it low key because telling the press that his kid's bio dad was a serial killer probably wouldn't be a good look.

"You're stressed about something. I can see it love. What's wrong?" Bosley looked away from the road to glance at his fiance.

"Just stressed about paparazzi is all. Not a big deal really!"

"I'll handle them for you. You'll barley have to say a word just agree and laugh when I talk, I'll lead you follow. I know how anxiety makes you feel so I'm going to make sure that this is nice for you. After we get dinner with Mike we go to the hotel and unwind." Bosley put a warm hand on Henry's thigh stroking it lovingly.

"I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Throw one of your good heels at paprazzi probably!" Bosley laughed squeezing the blonde's thigh a little. "You know I've always loved how squishy your thighs are. You're like those japanese cartoon girls that Micheal watches."

"I think that's a compliment so thank you love." Henry giggled scrolling through his phone.

"It was, you're just so pretty. I would kiss you right now but I don't want to run us into a ditch."

"Yeah you can kiss me when we stop for gas."

"Fair enough!" With one last squeeze Bosley put his other hand back on the wheel.


William paced around the hotel room. He was panicking, what if Henry hated him? He realized it was definitely a very likely possibility. Henry could easily despise him. What would he do if that happened? If Bosley was there it would likely end with a broken nose. Henry probably thought he was a disgusting monster, unworthy of life.

Micheal walked in with the two kids that had been in William's care for the years before this. They were dressed up in pretty outfits, Evan in a purple tuxedo with shorts and tights with roses under. Charlie had a similar outfit but with a skirt instead of shorts.

"You nearly ready? They're going to be here in like half an hour so we need to clear out before that happens. Wouldn't want to ruin the surprise!" Micheal said fixing a stray bit of Evan's hair. The kid giggled, he was happy to have his brother back. Charlie was at the window staring at the cars and people below.

"Yeah we should get going. Let's go." William said picking Charlie up and swinging her around to get her to stop being so mesmerized at all of the action below.

"I have to get there early aswell, I have a couple final touches to do before the show starts." Micheal said starting to walk to the door, William followed close behind. They walked quickly for the door when Micheal seemed to stop and panic. "Shit that's my Dads' car. Ok I'll distract them you guys run for mine. Here's the keys."

William grabbed the kids and started to walk quickly trying to not be seen.

"Mikey! Oh hello sweetheart!" He heard Henry shout happily at his son.

"Hey Dad! Hi Da'!" He said trying to get them looking in a different direction.

"You nervous Mike? You look a bit worried, kid. I may not be your real Dad but I know when you're uncomfy." Bosley said pulling Micheal in for a hug.

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