One last kiss (I love you like an alcoholic)

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I had a good idea. my muse is back. will i be able to execute it properly? idk lol.

The echoed voice of a man who he loved one sidedly coated the air like chocolate on a strawberry, mouth watering pain ached in his heart. Henry's words clouded his vision, he fell apart, mind cured of the insanity by someone who hated him. The gravity of his actions sunk in. He had taken Henry's heart and ripped it to shreds, the screams of his victims rung out in his mind. He made for the door. He could still fix this, right? Images of his love dotted his vision as he ran through flame, the fire hadn't grown too much since being lit, there was still time.

His decaying body locked inside the suit still burned with the pain of the metal assaulting his withered flesh. For once in his miserable life he could see the damage he had caused, lives ruined and taken. His own family torn apart at his deranged hand. The love of his life trapped in a burning building, the location would stand still like a case to their burned bodies, frozen in time like statuettes. The door was heavy, William body slammed it in mindless effort to get to the man behind it.

There he was, on the other side of the threshold, a single step away from the love of his life, lost in time and insanity, remnant had clouded his vision. It obscured his vision of Henry hiding how beautiful he was. He was the glorious sun, shimmering golden light. William stepped in with a weak leg. Henry wasn't the same as he remembered. This Henry was shaking weakly on the floor against the wall, his sparkle had faded long ago. William's mind now sober put the pieces together slowly, all of his actions over the years had hurt others. All of his actions over the years had hurt Henry. The violet haze lifted and revealed the mess that had become of the man who he built a business with from the ground up. He had been a perfect and glimmering ray of sunshine. William could vividly remember how a room could be lit in a bright tint of yellow and pink when he walked in.

William stumbled towards the shaking figure. The glowing yellow aura had turned to a deep colourless void. The room held no light save for the fire that would soon engulf it lit by hands that had once loved. Ginger hair that had always layed perfect across his forehead in the past was now long and messy. Henry heard the laboured steps above him and looked up. A once young and full of life face was tainted by sleepless nights and tears looked at William with hurt in his eyes, those eyes once held love for each being on earth, William truly couldn't think of a person Henry hated because the ginger simply didn't have hate in his heart to give, he felt for each person so deeply. That's why they opened the restaurant together. They wanted to bring happiness but he'd ruined it. William had broken the business with his destroyed mind. He had taken Henry's heart and shattered it.

"...William..?" Henry spoke finally through breathy sobs. All happiness had long faded all that lay in place was tattered memories.

"..I- I am- I'm sorry." William's voice was scratchy and croaked. He didn't sound the same, his entire body had long since began to rot.

"...Wha-? You- William why are you in here? I'm going to be dead soon if you've to kill me I'll be dead soon. I don't plan on escaping this fire. I have nothing to live for! You took it all away! My daughter, my lifes work, you left me too! For fucks sake why did you leave me too? What did I do to deserve all of this? Was I not good enough for you? " Henry sobbed, the crying turned to laughter but it wasn't the laughter that was infectious to all around, it was replaced by a deranged version, sounding insane and without a proper mind behind it. That scared William, had he damaged the man beyond all repair? "Y-You took everything! Yet I still love you! How unbelievable is that! I should be in hell for not hating your pitiful existence! I can't hate you... Why can't I hate you?"

"I- I don't know why I did those things... I hurt you. You shouldn't love me at all. I ruined everything and I'm sorry! I just- Loosing Evan- It all- my mind-" William struggled to form a sentence. Henry stood up slowly.

"You apologize? You can do that? You feel sorry for what you did to all of us?" Henry backed him into a corner.

"I do... and I love you aswell. You aren't the same... Where is the Henry I knew in college?" William asked. Maybe he could draw Henry back to soberness.

"You broke him a long time ago. You destroyed him. He loved you and you tore him apart, I'm a husk of what I was, you made me like this... I don't want to be this... Please... fix me?" Henry fell to his knees. He had lost his mind to grief.

"I'm sorry, I ruined you, I'm sorry! What have I done..." William clutched Henry's body as he stared into the blazing inferno. His mind flicked through his memories with Henry and he remembered their song, sang gleefulky while working, cooking or just while together. Could it help the situation? "One last kiss.. I love you like an alcoholic~" William sang weakly and low as he held Henry.

"One last kiss.. I love you like a statuette~" Henry sang back as they had done a thousand times before. He lifted himself to press a kiss to the rotting mask covering William's decayed face as the flames grew higher and smoke inhaled made him feel fuzzy, he was passing out.

Henry slumoed down against William. William shook his body gently in a failed attempt to wake him. Hands that were falling apart reached for the gingers neck in search of a pulse, none of which was found. Henry was gone. He died as he lived, wrapped in William's embrace but this time it wasn't in malice, it was in a damned attempt at fixing a relationship holding on by a thread. In their last moments they had fixed it. Many lives were stolen and ruined but he could fix one thing and hell that was better than nothing. William could only pray he'd get to be with Henry in the afterlife, that is if he got one. He had likely scorned all idea of an afterlife when he used the remnant... if those were his final moments with his love at least they weren't all pain and hate.

This is yucky but i had to do something i felt so bad for leaving you guys without anything. its short but its the best i can do right now.

byebye my lovelies :)

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