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I'm Emily but most people call me Em or Emi. I'm twenty-one and have just completed my move from Chelsea to Barcelona. When i got the call that Barca wanted me, it was a no brainer, i didn't need to think twice.

So far, i have met most of my teammates, i think i still need to meet one or two, who i will be meeting very shortly. Anyway, i signed on a four year deal. I also don't speak an ounce of Spanish which isn't ideal, but most of my new teammates seem to be able to speak English so that's good.

When i left Chelsea, a lot of the Chelsea fans were mad at me, which i fully understand. I signed a three year contract extension only last season, so when Barca came in for me, i still had two years left on my contract, meaning Barca had to pay a hefty amount to get me, but that's not the point. They were mad because i said i was excited to spend the next three years in blue and that i was really happy there, which wasn't a lie, i was extremely happy at Chelsea, it felt like home to me but an opportunity like this wasn't something i was ever going to be able to turn down.

Wether the fans like me or not, i'll always love them because they supported me during my time at the club and they are some of the best fans i've ever seen. I will always be grateful for my time at Chelsea, but now my focus is on Barcelona.

This morning was my first training session for the club. I arrived at the same time as Patri, who i met yesterday, so we walked in together.



"Who have i still to meet?"
I asked.

"Mapi and Alexia"
Alexia and Mapi were both missing from training yesterday as they were ill.

"Will i see them today?"

I smiled at Patri and we entered the locker room.

My locker is beside Alexia's and when i sat down, the best player in the world approached me, she instantly pulled me in for a tight hug and pulled away smiling.

"Hey, newbie. Emily, isn't it?"

"Yeah but you can call me Em or Emi"

"Or kid, newbie and wonder kid"
I smiled at the captain.

"I think we could make that work"
She smiled back at me as i said this.

"I hope the girls have welcomed you in well"

"They have"

"Any favourites yet?"

"No, but i really like Patri, she is easy to talk to"

"Sweet baby Patri. Who have you not met yet?"

"Mapi? I think that's who Patri said"

"He oído mi nombre"
I heard my name.
I heard someone say something and as i looked up i saw the most beautiful person i have ever seen standing beside Alexia, looking right at me.

"Hola, precioso"
Hello, beautiful.
The breathtaking girl said, but i couldn't understand, i was staring at her and Alexia noticed because when i glanced at her, she smirked before walking away, leaving me with her.

I said. I'm not Spanish but i know a couple of words.
The hot girl just chuckled at me. Her smile and her laugh will be the death of me.

"Where are you from, beautiful? Because you're definitely not Spanish"

"England. Was my accent that bad?"
I said as i rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly. Also she just called me beautiful.

"It definitely could use some work. England? That's cool, where about?"

"London. I came from Chelsea"

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