viii | are you worried for me?

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     Su-hyeok slept peacefully with his head rested on Hyun's shoulder

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     Su-hyeok slept peacefully with his head rested on Hyun's shoulder. While she found it a bit irritating, she didn't want to wake him up, disturbing his sleep. She let him stay there while she stayed up, her eyes slowly closing. " are you tired? " Cheong-san asked, still standing by the window. Hyun suppressed a yawn, shaking her head slightly.  " no.. i'm fine. " she lied, looking over at him. it was quite obvious she was begging for some sleep. " you should rest. have energy for tomorrow. " She looked at the others who were fast asleep, then Su-hyeok who was resting on her shoulder. She was about to protest, something about keeping watch incase something went wrong so she could alert the others but instead came out a yawn. Hyun gave in, slowly drifting off, leaning her head on the hard wall beside her. careful to still give Su-hyeok room to rest, she fell asleep leaning to the left. Cheong-san noticed her action and saw once she fell asleep, her head moved, obviously uncomfortable and rested on top of his friends.

Morning came soon, as the group slowly got up one by one. Hyun felt her body being shook and slightly opened her eyes. " what... ? " She asked, her vision still blurry.  " hey. " Su-hyeok smiled, looking down at the girl. Hyun looked down at her position, and realized she was sleeping on Su-hyeok's lap. " Oh. Sorry. " She quickly got up, standing beside him. " No worries... it's fine. " He replied, standing next to her. " It must've been uncomfortable... having my weight on you the whole night. " He chuckled slightly. " I let you sleep on me. Besides, i fell asleep on you first. think of it as thanks. " Hyun nodded awkwardly, the two standing in silence. " No one came.. " Cheong-san muttered, standing by the windowsill with On-jo. The sunrise filled the room with yellows, and oranges, creating a warm vibe. Hyun looked out the window, thinking about how around this time yesterday, she was still asleep in her bed, clueless on what would be happening in the next few hours. " They'll come for us eventually. " On-jo reassured the group who were all huddled around the table. Hyun rested her head on Nam-ra's shoulder, who brushed her fingers through her hair. Su-hyeok watched Hyun tiredly sneak looks over to him, his cheeks getting rosy. While being confused at his reaction, she didn't break eye contact, sending him a warm smile. " How long do we wait? "
" Until they come. "
" we don't even know if they're coming. "
" so? you want to go out there? " Ji-min turned away from the window, looking at her friends. " But even if they come, they can't find us if they don't know we're here. " " we can put up a signal for help " On-jo suggested.
" How? "
" My dad taught me a signal that's used internationally. " " what is it? " " it was red and blue arranged together, to create some sort of a pattern. " The others looked away, and On-jo stopped talking.
" Or..maybe we could just write 'SOS' on the curtains? " Hyun asked.
" yes, let's do that. " Hyo-ryung said, and On-jo looked at Hyun, nodding her head slightly as a sign of thanks. " We can't last long anyway. Three minutes of no oxygen, three days of no water, three weeks of no food. " Nam-ra said, looking at the rest of the group. " what's that? " Su-hyeok asked. " it's how long a person can survive. " Hyun responded, and Nam-ra nodded. " It's only been a day. We have to try the best we can. " " We'll show signs of dehydration by tomorrow. we won't be able to move by tomorrow. " Nam-ra said. " What are you getting at? Are you saying we should go? Or are you saying we'll die anyway, so we shouldn't bother doing anything? " " i don't know.. " Nam-ra mumbled, and Hyun wrapped her arm around hers.
" Then don't say anything. " Ji-min snapped. " She's just saying we should think about our options. Right? " Su-hyeok asked.
" No. "
" no? "
" I mean, we know nothing. " " We need more information to think and to make plans-- " Hyun started, when Ji-min interrupted her.
" what do you mean? "
" what she means-- " " You don't know what she's saying either. " Ji-min snapped at Su-hyeok.
" Right. " He said, looking down. " are you guys saying we need to grasp the situation before taking action? " Cheong-san asked.
" Yes, something like that. " Nam-ra replied. " i agree. we need to know more to decide whether to wait, run, or go out. "
" how can we do that right now? " Dae-su asked, smoothing his hair out.
" We can go online if we have a phone. " Cheong-san said." but we don't have one. " Su-hyeok pointed out.
" In the teacher's office. " Cheong-san looked out the window, before climbing out. " Cheong-san! Stop being stubborn. " On-jo scolded, but he ignored her. " The teachers' office is two rooms across and one floor down. "
" don't go. " " i'll come back if i can't make it all the way. don't worry. " he said.
" I'm not worried about you. i'm angry. " On-jo replied. " Sure. why would you worry about me? " He muttered, before climbing away. Su-hyeok quickly put on his jacket, before following Cheong-san. " wait. " Hyun yelled, calling after him. " I'll be back. " He reassured. " It's not that it's-- "
" What? are you worried for me? " Su-hyeok smirked, imitating Cheong-san.
" yes. i am. " Hyun replied. Flustered, he paused, startled, and gave her a quick nod and before leaving the classroom. " bare-su is a man of loyalty. " Dae-su said, about to climb out too. " You too? " Wu-jin asked. " I'm going too. " " stop it. come down. " Joon-yeong yelled, pulling him back.
" why? "
" you can't go out there with that body, fatso. " Wu-jin said from his seat. " what's wrong with my body? " Dae-su asked. (nothing!!) " what do you think? " Joon-yeong asked, and Dae-su looked down.

" What was that? " On-jo asked, sitting next to Hyun. " What do you mean? " Hyun asked. " I mean, you worrying about Su-hyeok. You've never cared for him before. It's odd. " Hyun nodded, not sure how to word it. " we're friends now, i guess. it's nothing else. " Hyun said, patting On-jo's knee.
" I don't care. " On-jo said, shrugging her shoulders. " What? you don't? " Hyun asked surprised, as On-jo had just confessed her feelings for Su-hyeok not so long ago. " yeah, i don't. " On-jo smiled. " is it because of Cheong-san? " Hyun asked clueless. On-jo stared blankly before repeatedly hitting Hyun. " Are you crazy?! Why would you think that? " On-jo yelled as Hyun tried to block her with her arms. " I'm sorry! I'm sorry! " She yelled back, as On-jo stopped.
" Don't say that again. I'm tired of people thinking we're dating. " On-jo muttered. " I never said anything about you guys dating. " Hyun smirked, and On-jo glared at her once more. " Ok...ok. sorry. " Hyun raised her hands. On-jo smiled, pushing her playfully, Hyun not thinking of Su-hyeok one bit.....

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