xxvi | cheong-san

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Our heads turned to where Nam-ra was looking but saw nothing. It was far off in the distance, too far for ours eyes to see.

Hyun concentrated, trying to hear what Nam-ra mentioned when a small, but faint voice was detected.

" Attention all citizens. There will be explosions at the sports complex, Hyosan High, Future College and Hyosan Intersection. "

... Hyosan High... shoot. Hyun nervously looked around, spreading the news to the others.

" Explosions. There will be explosions. Here. At the school. "

" Wh.. what? " Hyo-ryung nervously asked.

" They're going to blow up our school. " Nam-ra repeated.

" Is the army going to fucking launch missiles at us? " " When? "

" They haven't said... They're just telling people to evacuate now. "

" It must be soon though, I'm not confident that we have much time. " Hyun added,

" Fuck. Where are we supposed to go to? "

" Hyun literally said that we don't have much time. Are you fucking stupid? "

On-jo looked over to Hyun and Nam-ra. " Do they say where to flee to? "

" Bathrooms. Or underground. "

The group started bickering, not sure where they should go, when a voice echoed through the halls of the building.


" what the hell? "

Gwi-nam was back. Again.

" That asshole doesn't die. "

" Maybe we misheard? It sounds quiet now... " Hyo-ryung suggested and the rest decided to get up.

She was right. Silence filled the air while the group slowly walked towards the left. Nam-ra moved behind Hyun as Su-hyeok was now the closest to where the sound was last heard.

Gwi-nam suddenly pulled the plastic to the side, revealing himself to the others.

" Here you are. "

" What the hell? "

" Cheong-san! "

Cheong-san grabbed a bat, and swung it directly in front of Gwi-nam, but he missed, causing Gwi-nam to grab him, and pulled him where he crashed into the wall, falling to the floor.

Jumping over the wall, he stood on top of Cheong-san, when Su-hyeok ran to him, getting ready to throw his fist, but got hit instead, rolling off of the platform almost falling down when Hyun caught his hand.

" Su-hyeok! "

While Hyun tried to keep Su-hyeok from falling, Gwi-nam kept his foot on Cheong-san's chest, holding him down.

Eventually pulling him up, Hyun grabbed Su-hyeok's arm as the others watched as Gwi-nam gripped onto Cheong-san, twisting his arm, biting it then crumbling to the floor in pain as the drones flew closer.

Nam-ra did the same, and a ringing noise settling in Hyun's ear. Distracting, but not loud enough to faze her.

With Gwi-nam distracted, Cheong-san used this opportunity to kick him off the platform, and he fell to the ground.

Cheong-san looked at the others, walking back as On-jo walked towards him. While their voices were in audible, Hyun could see tears forming in Cheong-san's eyes, as he ripped off his nametag, holding it out to On-jo.

With the ringing fading away, Hyun heard as he softly mumbled, " Hold onto it,  Then pulled out On-jo's nametag in which she gave to Su-hyeok. " I'll hold onto this. "

He lent in to give her a kiss, walked to the building before turning back to hug her once more.

Hyun's heart broke for the two, watching as this'll will very likely be their last interactions with Cheong-san before he departs, never return.

He broke away from the hug, pushing her to the others. " Su-hyeok, go to the first floor. "

He ran into the building, as On-jo cried after him, his screams echoing through-out the building.

" Today, I am the happiest guy in this school!... " As he ran further away, his voice got quieter, and quieter until it grew silent.

Mi-jin turned to face the group, " Ha-ri. Let's go. "

Hyun crouched down to grab Nam-ra's hand, lightly tugging it. " C'mon. We have to go. "

They helped each other climb over, quietly making their way to the bottom floor. " Hurry! " They ran out of the building, making their way up the mountain. A loud explosion was suddenly heard, as they turned around and watched as the school building exploded.

Pieces of stone, tree logs, and bits from the building flew towards the students, as they attempted to dodge them, crouching down.

Hyun clung onto Nam-ra while Su-hyeok clung onto Hyun. Smoke blew over the group and soon they were covered. The schools, streets, blown up. And Cheong-san with it.


Guess who finally decided to write?

OTHER HALF , lee suhyeokWhere stories live. Discover now