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Pandoras ear twitched to the sound of laughter around her, the air was no longer thick with fear and paranoia, it was at peace matching the way everything around it looked. Sorgan is a planet where not much is suppose to happen that's what made it the perfect spot to hide out in the first place. She had no doubt that their battle would be the talk for however far the gossip went. She was a bit on edge during the first few days since using the force in front of all the village kids, and to her relief no one had brought it up, at least on her end it meant she hadn't risked anything, unlike the day she did on Tatooine to save Mando's life with the mudhorn.

Pandora sat on the grass, her freshly new clothes swayed gently with the passing wind as she leaned forward picking a blooming flower contrasting against her bandages. Within these weeks she had time to recover and not overwork her arms, there were times where even without lifting as much as a finger it would still irritate.

Omera had been the one helping her treat the wounds whenever it became too painful, unbeknownst to her; Omera had told Mando the situation and he had asked to see her progress within the weeks, she remembered feeling his raw emotion, it was the same one she had felt the moment he came back to save her. Guilt. As much as she wanted to blame the Mandalorian for what he had done, deep down she just couldn't bring herself to fully blame him, had he known that he brought her back to the enemy he would've never done it, for reigniting the emotion and memories the Empire had on her. No, he couldn't have known, the choice of going back for her proved that theory well, at the end of it her decision became final, and in her own way she was sure she had done the right thing.

Now, the bandages on Pandora's arms reached to her forearm leaving the rest to quickly heal, her arms weren't as sore as they once were but she still needed to be careful so none of the incisions would open on her, the last thing she wanted was to start the treatment cycle all over again.

The Mandalorian had kept close watch on the teen within these weeks, always bringing her a blanket whenever she slept in the separate barn across from Cara. Asking if she had ate during certain times, along with tracking the hours of when she had last changed her bandages, even now watching how both the child and her interacted with the other kids. She had left within her shell and became comfortable, however, the current discussion between Cara and him made him almost certain that these two belonged here even with the events that had taken place weeks back.

He had never seen her happier, she stayed out of her room less and even helped the villagers with the krill, even seeing her be around Omera. He had witnessed when Omera had gifted her the clothing, the teal colors wrapped around her making her seem as if she belonged, the decision seemed final, the only difficult part left was how would they react to it.

A white butterfly flutters around Pandora making her stay still, she watches as it lands on her knuckles flaunting it's colored wings, she graces it's presence with a small sincere smile slowly lifting it upwards so she could exam it properly. This was the first time she had ever seen one, especially since she had heard they were hard to come by throughout the galaxy. They were mainly near more open fields with millions of flowers and tall grass. She stretches out her fingers watching it walk towards the tip, Winta rest her head on Pandora's shoulder watching the butterfly that had attached itself onto the teen "It's pretty." Winta whispers, almost afraid that if she spoke too loud it would fly off.

Pandora gently lays her head atop of Winta's as the two stayed in a trance as they watched the butterfly stare to what they believe was the flower Pandora kept in her hand, without noticing Winta carefully places her hand in Pandora's, cautious on how much pressure to put on it without hurting her. The teen slightly tensed unaware of how to react, it felt the exact same way the Mandalorian did when he held her groggily face back on Nevarro, back then she didn't have the care to react having a dizzy feeling back then, now fully conscious was completely different; 'No, they weren't different, it was fragile, and caring.'

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