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Heading in the direction of the exit of the facility was nerve-wrecking, everything and anything about just thinking of seeing what was beyond these white walls for so long was something she had thought of, and with each passing day it just never happened. Seven years waiting to see what it was now like,  it had been a long time passing and she couldn't trust her memory to recall such simple things.

When the doors opened she stared for a minute and raced out without thinking, she came to a pause staring up at the sky, feeling the warmth and the breeze that followed. She had forgotten the fear left behind her, taking in the moment knowing she would remember this night forever.

Mando had abruptly stopped seeing her admire her surroundings, mainly the night sky above them. He had thought that she was trying to break for an escape instead she became starstruck. He couldn't imagine what her life was like being trapped, he didn't know anything about her nor about the place he had broken into.

She stared down at her boots seeing the dirt, the sound of the tiny pebbles whenever she adjusted her stance. Pandora knew of the endless of planets, the many species that roamed. But seeing them with her own eyes instead of a hologram would be life changing. In perspective she had everything, expect for freedom. All she wondered was, if she would have it another time?

Mando walked over and grabbed her shoulder leading her to the razor crest, she seemed to walk aimlessly taking everything in. He had never seen someone so invested with the tiniest of details.

Her golden eyes had captured the billions of stars in the night sky and the glowing of the two moons. Pandora looked over at the Mandalorian who kept their eyes forward seeing the giant ship waiting for the two. She didn't know why he had come for her, nor had she had a necessarily bad feeling about him, but she was sometimes wrong.

He didn't seem to harm her, but she couldn't quite place her finger on it, her senses were alarming. When they arrived towards the razor crest she immediately brought her focus on it, the loud hiss of the hatch opening. 'This can't be real, it has to be a vision' she thought, everything about leaving the facility was always in her dreams, she was just waiting to wake up.

They walked up to the cockpit as he lead her to sit on his left, he grabbed her arms and placed the cuffs with a short hesitation, she scrunched her eyebrows staring down at the metal wrapped around her wrist.

Pandora felt her stomach drop at the sight 'Am I being transferred again' She didn't understand, she did everything she was supposed too, followed every little rule they had and obeyed every single order that was set in stone. She locked her jaw trying to hold back her frustrations, this was certainly a nightmare. She couldn't complain, it was too good to be true.

He had noticed the frown forced upon her face, she had come willingly and fearfully that the cuffs around her seemed to had set its final straw. Mando started to make his way out of Talahar with the remainder of the way being silent.

Mando had many questions, but it was better when he didn't know anybody's backstory. This situation seemed entirely different, he had taken this with doubt, but running into many other bounty hunters he knew for sure that this was deeper than what underworld had told.

Mando snuck small glances seeing her stare out at the vast stars and the planets they passed, she remained seated with her hands in her lap and tiredly leaning against the seat, her eyes fluttered every few seconds.

Pandora raised her hands over her face trying to block the sun from the sudden brightness, while fixing her posture feeling the ache on her neck. The Sephi looked at the empty seat in front of her, wondering where her captor had gone too, it was clear that they were on land.

She didn't know if she was allowed to move so instead she scanned the area taking in the various of buttons that covered the cockpit, there wasn't a single decor within the ship. Pandora stood up gathering the feeling of her legs for being down for who knows how long.

She jumps down seeing the hatch open with the bright light at the end of it, her steps slow in hopes of seeing the Mandalorian walk right back in, only for groaning to slowly grow the further she reach the doors.

A small sight a of giant creature pinning him down wasn't a welcoming one to see, she debated on whether to take this opportunity and run to the closest village she spotted. 'You can't choose who to save, Pandora. That decision is sometimes not always up to you' She looked down at the cuffs, and shook her head.

"Please don't let me regret this, Theia" She mutters her old teachers name. Pandora stood close to the exit raising her hands, eyes closed as she felt the life signature of the Blurrg it was actively fearful from them trespassing.

The Blurrg slowed down its run having it look around feeling a calm aura nearby, the teen eyes opened seeing the Blurrg's eyes upon her until an electric needle hit its side making it collapse into a deep slumber.

Pandora lowered her arms in panic and rushed out seeing another specimen riding upon a Blurrg staring down at the Mandalorian whose arm was caught in-between the teeth of the beast.

The Ugnaught glances between the two "You are a bounty hunter" He acknowledged, seeing the sephi in cuffs knowing very well for the Mandalorian's reasonings on being on this planet "I will help you, I have spoken."

Pandora waited for the Mandalorian to stand seeing him trudge back to his pulse rifle, gesturing for the teen to walk ahead of him in case she tried to break. On the way to the Ugnaught's home she had taken in the planet: Arvala-7 one of the desert planets, she had recognized it on from her studies. She knew in most desert planets not much happens, and with that it's the most perfect place to remain off the radar whenever you're being traced.

In the small adobe home the Mandalorian and Pandora sat on the small cushions around the tiny table "Many have passed through. They seek the same one as you." The mention of this made Pandora understand that she wasn't the only one going to be captured by the man beside her.

The entire conversation she remained quiet it wasn't her business to even intrude nor base her opinion, she was a bounty and she knew her limits were zero to none in this debate.

"What of this one?" Kuiil asked, breaking the silence "What troubles did this one brew?"

"The guild doesn't take questions, so neither do I." Mando held the number one rule that he lived with his entire life with the guild and without it; No questions asked.

"I'm Pandora." The sudden voice beside them was an unexpected one, Pandora was very decisive about how to proceed with this, it wasn't in her best interest that she would even converse with any of the two. She needed to be careful in placing her words and how far she was willing to go to share.

Pandora recalled her past lessons, everyone's eyes always held the truth and any intentions. She didn't want to be deceived anymore than she already was, and staring at the Ugnaught's eyes he didn't seem harmful rather curious of the situation at hand.

However, with the Mandalorian it couldn't be more difficult making her intuitions fall in deaths shoulders, she could either take that leap of faith or tell them at least half of what she already knew.

"What business do you have with bounty hunters?" Kuiil asked, making the room wait with anticipation.

"If could tell you I would, but I'm just as in the dark as you are. I can make an assessment but I can be wrong." She said carelessly keeping her emotions dialed down.

"And what did you make of?"

"I didn't think it was for ransom."

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