5. Testing, Testing 1. 2. 3.

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Getting fired from your job only led to a wreak of chaos from there on out. As a result, you lost your apartment as rent was outrageously expensive, and you were then forced to move back into the lower level of your parents' house.

They weren't disappointed nor were they happy for their daughter. What parent could be happy that their child lost their job? They were a bit relieved, however, that your safety wasn't on the front lines for the time being.

You grew closer to Mina's girl friends, Ochaco, Tsuyu and Kyoka. When they weren't busy, you'd try to spend every second you could with them on the weekends. It was sickening to hear about their love lives, considering what you were experiencing.

You couldn't understand how Shoto couldn't find a second to spare for you, unless you weren't being completely told the truth.

You did your part to avoid the media, but being tagged in photos and getting comments and memes spammed on your profile didn't help. In two weeks, it subsided a little, but by four weeks, something else made you feel completely sick.

You were dry heaving over the toilet, holding your breath as you watched the buzzer on the counter next to the solo cup next to three tests sitting in your cup of fluids.

You thought in the back of your mind, 'I hope this is just hay fever.' But you've never vomited uncontrollably like this before.

You being paranoid, as soon as you started feeling nauseated, you rushed to the drug store to pick up three small blue and white tests, just to be safe. You swore to yourself that you would take them after a couple of days if you didn't feel better by then.

You never got better, and that's how you ended up in this position. You quickly flushed the toilet and washed your hands, just in time for the buzzer to start beeping. Your shaken hands made their way to the solo cup as you turned off the sink.

Closing your eyes, you picked up one of the tests in the cup at the end, almost afraid to discover the results it had in store for you. You figured it was either now or never, so slowly opening your eyes you examined the test.

A pink line followed by a thin, pale line running across it.

Your exuberance turned to nervous laughter as you pulled out the second line test and chuckled aloud in your nervousness.

Another pink line followed by a thin stripe across it.

In an instant, you pulled out the digital test from the pile of three. A harsh slap into reality hit you hard, and you panicked in your thoughts as you clenched your teeth.


Your hand was shaking so hard, that the test fell out of your hands onto the tiles. You collapsed onto the floor, covering your face with your hands, letting out painful sobs.

"This is something he must know,"

One last time, you pulled out your phone, pulling up the contact of the boy that didn't seem to show you any care these last couple of weeks.

'Please give me a call, I need to talk to you,'

'Sorry I'm with Bakugo,'

You slammed your fist against the wall in frustration, letting out a shriek of frustration. After leaping to your feet, you slammed the door harshly as you shoved the three tests into your pocket. You stormed up the stairs, grabbing your keys with no acknowledgement of your parents, grabbing your keys, and starting your car and driving off.


How you managed to find Shoto's apartment was a blur, the only time you had been there was when you two were both drunk.

You rushed out of your car from the parking garage, taking the elevator to the top floor and finding the door to his penthouse to a T.

You nervously rasped your hand against the door. Holding in your composure, you watched the door open to see Shoto standing there with a less than ecstatic expression.

"(F/N), what did I tell you? Bakugo's here, I don't have time right now-"

You pushed through him, adrenaline flushing through your body, his body weight not even bothering you. "You know what, I don't care. I don't care at all what you're doing at all! You want to know why? Because you haven't respected my time at all. You get drunk with me, and treat me like some girl that means the world to you, when in reality I'm probably just some person you never even wanted to see again."

You fumble through your back pocket, and lash the test in his direction, as they fall to his feet.

"Now this has happened and I don't even know how!"

"I know how," Bakugo interrupted while he kicked his feet up on the couch. "One drunk dumbass fucks another drunk dumbass, those two drunk dumbasses don't use protection and then one dumbass winds up pregnant."


For once in his lifetime, Bakugo becomes self aware of his words. You got away this time, he sits there in utter shock and reflection, just to realize that you were right, gets up with a huff and walks out to the balcony.

Shoto's furrowed brow softens as his face fills with hurt, and slight regret realizing the seriousness of this conversation. "You mean... It's me? I'm really going to be a father? And I haven't been talking to you this entire time? I don't know how I could do this."

Your eyes fill up with the ocean that is so known by them, tears crashing down within the confusion of your pent up frustration. "Why? Why did you ignore me when I needed you earlier? I clearly needed you, and wanted you in my presence! How do I know you can help me make this big life changing decision?" You questioned, wiping the tears from your eyes as you watched his every move like a hawk.

"Shoto, I've lost my job over all of this. You can't use the whole media thing against me when it wasn't even my fault."

"It's just... I never have known what it's been like to feel wanted. It scared me in a way (F/N), I want you here trust me, and this makes me look like a bad person. But this is so much different, I won't let the unknown scare me, and whatever you want to do moving forward, we'll figure this out together. I promise I won't ignore you anymore, nor will I ignore your feelings of wanting me." He approached you, his hands gently touching the bottom of your abdomen, stroking his fingers against the barrier that held this new little ball of life. His piercing gaze not once leaving you, as he continued in a serious tone, "As for this little one, I refuse to hurt them, whatever is best for them is what will make me happy. I refuse to be like my old man, this child will have a good life."

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