#1. On the run

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3rd person pov

Y/N arrived at the boating doc, with the cops right on her tail. She quickly jumped off her speed boat and ran as fast as she could off the docks to lose the cops

She took a sharp turn around the corner, and completely bashed right into a boy and they both fell to the ground pretty hard, which caused Y/N to get a deep cut on her knee.

Y/N pov

I bashed right into this hot blondie, great what an amazing way to make an entrance on this new island, that's most lily going to be my home for a while.

"HOW COULD I BE THINKING THIS RIGHT NOW!?" I Thought to myself. The cops start yelling my name and I quickly speed to the wall of the building bulling the hot blond with me.

"why are you running from the cops" said the blonde. "sshhh! Dosent matter" I reply "whatever" he said, surprisingly he didn't seem to care about the fact that he was sitting beside someone Likely the most wanted on the island.

"hey, that's a pretty bad scar on your knee. Are you ok? I have some supplies at my friends house, i don't want that to get infected" why does he care so much? I thought to myself.

The cops ran around the corner and spotted me, I didn't have much time to get up & run so I started to except my fate, as the worst they can do it bring me back to a douchebag of a fathers house.

I jump up and try to run but the fat bitch cop completely tackled me. then all of a sudden all that fat ass was, gone? I see blondie on top of the cop yelling at me to run! why was he doing this?

I run as far as I could, eventually blondie couldn't hold all the cops back and some got lose and chased me down a few blocks. I find this broken down church and run inside until the sun started to set.

At this point I didn't know where to go and just start walking along the beach shore, trying to find a place to sleep. I saw this abandoned house and decided to check it out.

I opened the door and yelled to see if anyone lived here. Nothing.  I go around door to door in the hallway to find a room to sleep in. I find a room with a messy bed & dirty pillow, but I won't complain. It's better than the rotten church.

*the next day*
JJ's pov

Me, pope, John B, and Kiara all went to the bon fire last night, and let's just say it didn't end well for John B. Of course topper got his shitty hands on him and almost drowned
John B to DEATH! 

We stayed at the police station that night and we were not aloud to go back to John B's place.

Once we got the John B went straight to his room to get changed & I went to the fridge to get a beer. Then all of a sudden I hear,
"what the hell!?"

All of us walk over to John B's room to see what's going on. We look around and in his bed we see, a girl?

We all stand around the bed, not knowing what to do. the girl starts to move a little, then turns around. Wait a minute, is that the, RUNAWAY GIRL?!?!

Authors note::
In this book, JJ & Y/N will be end game!

WARNING In the future chapters there will be eating disorders, self h*rm, and drugs.

Please comment recommendations for what should happen in following chapters! <3

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