#13 the rest is history

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Last chapter, enjoy <3 please vote if you like the book! And comment your opinion..


Jj: where are you right now?
Yn: just at Sarah's
Jj: okay thank you. I'll see you in 10 minutes. Stay there!
Yn: okayy

Ten minutes

"What did he say" Sarah asks

"He's gunna be here soon, I think he's picking me up."

*honk*. *honkkkkk

I Côme out the front door and- what the hell happened to the Twinkie?!


He yells as he gets out of the van to open tk door for me.

There's party streamers all over the van and really pretty black mats on the floor, not sure why though

Not only that but a shit ton of food and pictures of us on the walls

"What's with them Matt's huh?"

"So there's less of a mess to clean up" he says as he wink

"JJ! Kiara is RIGHT there!"

"I'm kiddinggggg, SORRY KIARA!" He yells

"But it's good to know your down though yn. And BY THE WAYY" he says dragging the y as he spins me around

"You, look, gorgeous!"

I giggle trying to spit out the words "thank you"

I get into the van and he runs back around to the drivers Seat.

"The tight suit looks really good on you."

"Why thank you my love, I'm very glad you noticed"

We talk for the whole ride there about our memories at we get to the party.

Once we are there everything is going normal, like any other party! We grabbed drinks and Danced, he's a very good dancer by the way.

He put his hand on my back and danced in an old fashion way while smiling. It was the best, as if I were in a movie.

After 4 hours of dancing and drinking and literally having the time of my life, jj asks "your feet okay?"

"I mean they hurt like a bitch but I can manage."

"Here" and he gestures for me to give him my foot, he takes off my high heels and the picks me up with me over his back.

"He- wait- jj what are you doing?" I ask while literally not being able to stop laughing.

"you will see!"

he lays me in the van and pressed a button that turns on a bunch of fairy lights! When he picked me up it was lighter so I never noticed but now that it's night, this is probably the most beauty thing I've ever seen.

Other then him.

He hops in the van w me and leans against the wall. He looks like he can't breath, honestly a little worrying.

"Can you breath?"

"No" he says laughing

"I appreciate you looking good for me, but we are not at the party any more, you can take it off."

He looks like I just told him I killed his family

"It's nothing I haven't seen before, we have went swimming a thousand times!"

"True" he replied.

He took off the top of his tuxedo and then we both stayed silent for about 10 seconds before he said

"please just come here already, your to beautiful to tease me like that" I laugh as I lean forward to kiss him

Which then turns to making out. He unties there back of my dress and moves it to the side of the van. Then moves his hand to the back of my bra

"Can I?" I don't know what it is but consent is so hot like prove me wrong
I breath out and reply "yes"

He takes it off and lays me down and continues to makeout with me.


Thank you for reading! If you want more chapters or more to this makeout scene please comment <3

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