#6 "follow her home"

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                      Nobody's  pov

y/n started walking to work. Which is also where Kiara works.

y/n stepped up the old wooden steps and opened the front door, saying "hello" to kiaras dad on the way to the back to get her name tag and apron.

She got to the back and was a little worried that jj might have texted the pouges about what happened, but if so she has to worry about kiara more then anything.

Kiara walked through the doors and got her name tag and apron on, saying "yo y/n what's up! Is everything ok?" and y/n casually replied with a "nothing much, and yeah that blood was just from a cut from shaving, haha, see ya later" and walked off to work.
being a little more comfortable knowing Kiara didn't know anything.

                           Kiara's pov...

"Yo y/n what's up! Is Everything ok?"

"nothing much, and yeah that blood was just from a cut from shaving. Haha, see ya later"


y/n doesn't seem to be acting ok. And to be honest, what she said wasn't really believable.
But I don't think it's any of my business, I'll talk to her about it after the shift though.

I tied my apron and clipped the name tag on and was about to lock my locker, when I heard my phone buzz. I picked it up and saw 2 messages from jj.

("Kiara are you at the house??")

                                    (" no I'm at work")
                                     ("Is everything ok?")
("I'll explain
Everything after
your shift")

                                    (" no I'm at work")                                     ("Is everything ok?") ("I'll explain Everything afteryour shift")                                              ("kk")

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((A/N:: I tried to make a phone looking thing lmao, comment what you think))

Great, now I'm worried.

                          ((2 hours later))


                                              ("Ok? So what's going
                                              On? is everyone ok?")

("No, y/n is hurting herself
And just ran away from me
Again! we need to find her
And atleast try to help her")

                                          ("Wdym? Y/n is here.")
("WHAT?! at your work?
Is she ok did she come to
Talk to you!?")
                                  (" she fucking works here")
("Tf why don't I
Know that! Why didn't
You tell me?!")

("Whatever that Doesn't
matter right now you need
To get her and bring her
back here!")
                               (" she already left for home")
("She dosent have a damn
Home! she ran away,,
Where tf could she be going")

                             ("Want me to follow her or
                          ("Fine, just follow my location
                          And meet me wherever I am")
("On it")

                             ("Want me to follow her or                                 something?")("YES")                          ("Fine, just follow my location                           And meet me wherever I am")("On it")

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                         nobody's pov
Kiara rushes out the back door to see if she can see y/n, and surly enough she can. she runs closer a little since she to far to really hear her.

y/n is playing the song 'tek it' on her phone and singing along with it while walking down to the other side of the island.

JJ  eventually caught up to kiara and and watched her walk up to a smaller wood house close to a neer by forest

JJ  eventually caught up to kiara and and watched her walk up to a smaller wood house close to a neer by forest

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((Looking something like this))

when she got inside Kiara and jj ran up to the window behind the red stool to look a little inside.
they then saw an older man with a belt In His hand.
"Hey dad" y/n said.

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