#11. A 'fancy' party

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Kiara pushed the door open to see, me.

"Oh. Uh, sorry, I'll uh. Go" he says stuttering.
"NO NO NO! Kiara we are not having sex! Now PLEASE GET ME OUT!" I yell before she leaves the house.

"JJ. Care to explain" Kiara says looking at him.

"Well. I don't know. Y/n was just trying to get away from me and I'm concerned for her and stuff."

Kiara walks over to each corner of the bed and unties me. "Thank you." I say.

"Of course, no problem. Now jj" she says, switching her eye contact to him. She starts to speed walk over to him and grab his arm. Pulling him into another room.

"We need to talk. Get your ass over here."

Kiara's pov

I drag him into the walk-in closet, and quickly close the door.

"what the fuck was that?!" I say in a yelling, whisper voice.

"I don't know! It just happened! And do clarify we were not about to have sex!"

"Yeah, no shit. So why did you pull that stunt"

"I just. Like. I was trying to get her to talk to me, About something."

"AND THATS HOW YOU TRY TO ACHIEVE THAT!?" I whisper-ly yell, and nudge him in the arm.

"IM SORRY, i was just generally worried about her! And everything that has being happening to her! I just wanted to help."

"Ok, fair. But why do you care so much anyways? You care more then any of us, by a far shot, is there something going on betw-.


" 'oh' WHAT?"

"You love her." I say with a slight giggle after my words.

"Wha-? No!"

"YES you Do! So what are you going to do about it? Huh?"

"Uh I don't know, nothing I guess."

"No! You are definitely doing something, I'll help you. I'm not supposed to say anything about this, since you guys are pouges, but there's a 'fancy' party with a bunch of food at some meet up place by the beach, it's no for a few weeks. But you should ask her to go with you!"

"But as you said. I'm a pouge, so I can't go."

"Well nobody knows y/n, so she's not considered a pouge, so she can go. And then you would be her plus one. Simple"

JJ pauses for a while and looks down

"PLEASE JJ, you to would seriously be so cute together!"

"Ok, ok, I'll think about it. I'll talk to you later but you and me need to deal with y/n and atleast have some lunch."


He opens the door and he gets out, as I follow him to the other room.

Y/n pov

They finally get back, as I'm just sitting on the bed, scrolling through the chanels.

"Glad your back, cause I kinda wanna go, if that's ok?" I say.

"Where did you wanna go?" JJ asks.

"I don't know, just somewhere."

"How about we eat first" he reply's

"Fine." I say as I get off the bed.

Kiara goes and grabs some eggs. "Wanna make a little buffet with me?" She asks

"Sure! Sounds fun"

"JJ go sit on the couch and go on your phone or something." She says. As he walks over and does exactly that.

30 minutes later.

"JJ we are done! come eat." Kiara calls.

Everyone dishes up their plate and sits down at the table. Jj and kiara sit on the same side of the table while I sit on the opposite.

As I'm eating JJ keeps staring at me. Not like a 'admiring' type stare though, like a thinking stare. And he won't stop.

"What's up?" I ask him

"Oh, uh nothing." He says and quickly looks down at his plate.

Kiara buts in and says "you sure it's 'nothing' jj?" As she smiles

"Yes. It's nothing."

          one is about Robin Arellano!
      And another is about Steve harrington!


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