Chapter 8

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Mush's POV
When we got back to the lodge house we both realised no one was in, I thought it would be the perfect time to show her that I cared for her so I took hold of her hand and brought her up to the roof. I always go to the roof every now and then because it's peaceful up there you can see the whole world from a different point of view. When we got up onto the roof she froze and look out into the city with her gorgeous smile, we both sat down beside each other and looked out at the people in the city walking about the streets, I always think of what there life is like such as what's bring them out into the streets at this time of night, wonder if they have family, what's there home like and many more things."'s beautiful...." She says with that same beautiful smile as she takes it all in,"It's peaceful up here" I say smiling down at the city,"Ya get ta see life as a different view.." I say turning too look at her angelic perfect face."I've never saw New York be so beautiful like this, in the day time it's so busy and loud...but..." I finished the sentence for her, we both thought the same thing, as though we shared the same thoughts on life, "...It's peaceful and calming at night" I say looking right into her eyes, I gave her a warm smile which she returned. We both looked out into the city I saw her hand resting beside me, it felt right so before I knew it I slowly place my hand on top of hers and tightly held it, I felt butterflies swarm inside of me, I never wanted this moment to end, is she finally mine?

Willow's POV

We sat there holding hands until we heard the rest of the newsies coming back into the lodging house, then we climb down and joined them all. As Racetrack went on about how amazing and fabulous he was in many way to us all, all my mine could think about was Mush as I looked over at him he was laughing and chatting with Kid Blink, "Hey!" Yelled a voice, I knew that voice I turned round and there he was 'Mr King of Brooklyn' himself. Everyone went quite, his eyes landed on me"You!" He shouted at me, fear struck me,"Can we talk outside?" He said but not shouting this time,"Sure..." I said with a shakey voice that was only thing I could get out, My mind wandered about what he could possible want me for, I apologised what did he want with me now?"Hey I'm sorry for how I'd treated ya at Brooklyn..." He said with a blank face,"I don't know what got inta me" He said looking down at the ground."'s alright I guess..." I say just trying to get this over and done with,"No it ain't I was a snob to ya" He said angerly."Sorry I don't mean ta shout and scare ya"He said looking me straight in the eye,"Forgive..and...forget" I said trying to avoid eye contact with him."Yeah I guess..." He says looking me up and down."So...Whats it like being a newsies so far?"He says trying to start over again,"'s alright!"I say trying to fake a smile,"Only goirl newsies too..precious.." He says looking me with a grin. There's something about him that makes me nervous he gives me bad vibes and I don't know why, he reminds me of my parents, we're the same age which creeps me out he seems older he seem sly he seems like he's used to always getting his way." Well I best be heading inside it's real late..." I say desperately trying to get out of our conversation,"Alrighty, see ya later princess..." He says walking me inside. When I walked in I could see Mush looked secretly mad at the fact he was calling me princess now."Come on get to bed all of yous, come chop chop!" Said Kloppman. Everyone did so,"Hey so Spot Conlon calling ya princess now..."Jack and Racetrack both shouting while running upstairs,"Hey Willow Conlon..." Jokingly said Skittery."Guys shut up..!" I say back while laughing at there stupid jokes, everyone quickly dropped it and went to get ready for bed "Hey uh what did spot want?" Mush said "Oh nothing he was just apologising for earlier on..." I say giving him a reassuring smile but he still look upset about it "Oh..alright.." He said while walking away to his bed. I felt bad but I don't like all, why couldn't Mush see that I liked him. When I got changed I left my clothes beside my bed "Night!" Mush said smiling which I could tell was fake," Night Mush!" I replied giving him a quick smile before planting onto my bed, it was a long day epically with going to Brooklyn and back, and to be honest I was just glad it was over.

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