Question and Quest

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"Weird old man in jim-jams," King said as the man walked down the stairs. "Great."

Hunter kicked him as gently as he could. "Obviously, the man is a wizard," he whispered. "Look at that beard and tell me that he isn't one."

"Hello, young man," the wizard said, stroking his beard. "Who might you be, with eyes full of curiosity?"

"Um... Hunter Noceda," he mumbled in response, suddenly feeling a little shy.

"Dare I say, I sense something... unique about you." The wizard drew a few glowing circles in midair, summoning a few armchairs and a table filled with snacks. "Please, won't you join me for tea?"

King scrambled up onto Hunter's shoulders. "Let's scram!" he hissed. "Wizards are just old people with glitter in their pockets. I don't trust him."

"The guy looks like he's eighty minimum. I doubt he's a threat." Hunter smirked. "Plus, I think I see scones on the table."

That seemed to destroy all of King's suspicions. The minute those words left Hunter's mouth, the little demon went flying towards the table and started stuffing scones into his mouth.

"As long as you've got a cinnamon roll or two, we'd love to join you," Hunter said, sitting down. As he did, he noticed the cart full of bottles nearby. "You sell potions, Magic Man?"

"Please, call me Adegast. And yes, I run a small business."

King looked up from the table. "You should run a small business of more scones into my mouth! Haha! Yes!"

Hunter rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Sorry about him."

"I'm surprised to see you here," Adegast commented. "I was under the impression that Eda delivered the packages herself."

"Oh! Yeah, I'm kinda her apprentice," Hunter explained, scratching the back of his neck. "Just started today."

Adegast quirked an eyebrow. "And how are you finding the experience so far?"

Hunter's first instinct was to say that it was awesome, and spectacular, and everything he'd ever dreamed about, but he ended up telling the truth.

"It's shit. I'm basically a glorified chore boy." He fidgeted in his seat. "Don't get me wrong, Eda's the most badass person I've ever met, but when I decided to stay here, I kinda thought I was gonna do more... hero-y stuff."

Adegast pondered for a minute. "I have a quest---"

"Where do I sign up!" Hunter exclaimed, jumping to his feet.

He chuckled. "You didn't let me finish. I have a question."


"Would you like to go on a quest?"

Hunter's spirits lifted to incredible heights. "Fuck yeah I wanna go on a quest!"

Adegast pulled out a scroll from his beard. "I might have just the thing."

He unrolled the scroll, revealing a map. "The prophecy speaks of a young boy with human blood who will claim the Bloodstone Staff, and in doing so, free this world from an ancient evil. Perhaps you have come here for a reason."

"You had me at 'Bloodstone Staff,'" Hunter told him, taking the map.

"Should you believe yourself worthy to embark on this quest---"

"So worthy."

"You should know that the road is dangerous and filled with peril," Adegast continued. "And only the Chosen One can pull the staff from its post."

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