Makeshift Throne

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The inside of the castle was all gold and white, with touches of brown here and there. Coven scouts stood nearly everywhere (which made Hunter feel a little less enthusiastic about his beginning of a plan), and everything looked grand and regal, though the pipes that were snaking everywhere with no regard for plumbing regulations ruined the effect a tiny bit. Only a tiny bit, though, since even Amity seemed mildly impressed. Everyone else, of course, was blown away.

"Currently, the Isles are a place of peace and prosperity," Tiny Chicken Hand Lady narrated as she led them through the halls. "But that wasn't always the case." She gestured to a mural of a bunch of witches dancing around a fire. "Up until fifty years ago, witches and demons practiced wild magic during a time that we call the Savage Ages. Witches had access to forbidden knowledge, and that dishonored the Titan."

Hunter started to wonder if this was just a big waste of time---especially since even the grates looked secure. Plus, the obvious propaganda that this girl was spewing didn't do the trip any favors.

"But that all changed when our great Emperor ascended to the throne, and taught witches how to use magic properly," Tiny Chicken Hand Lady continued, gesturing to another mural---this one of a man whose visage was entirely covered, from the long white-and-gold cloak to the brown-and-gold cowl to the golden deer mask to even the gauntlet gloves.

As Hunter looked up at the mural, something deep down inside him told him that he should be afraid---seriously afraid.

He brushed that off. It's just a drawing. That outfit looks weird, anyways.

"Our next stop is the Emperor's personal collection of relics," Tiny Chicken Hand Lady said, leading them down another hall.

"Ooooh, Hunter, you'll like this!" Willow said, pulling him along. "You were so interested in that hat earlier, remember?"

He laughed nervously. "Um, yep. Hats are cool."

They walked into a grand hall filled with objects suspended over pedestals---and it looked like there was one for every coven, save for Construction.

"These items are reminders of our great Emperor's overwhelming power," Tiny Chicken Hand Lady told them. "From the curious and mighty..."

Gus wandered over to the Oracle Sphere with a wide-eyed expression.

"To the very handy."

Willow sighed dreamily as she passed the Green Thumb Gauntlet. "I could grow so many beautiful things with that."

"And even the most valuable." Kikimora snapped her fingers as Hunter's gaze lingered on the Healing Hat. "Come along, children!"

Hunter started to creep towards it, but Gus just pulled him along with the group. "Come on! You're gonna miss it!"

They caught up with the group just in time to catch Amity discreetly flipping Tiny Chicken Hand Lady off.

"You gotta stop doing that," Hunter told her in an undertone.

"In case you've forgotten, we're the only people who know what it means," she whispered. "And trust me, Kikimora here totally deserves it."

"Kiki what?"

"Here at the Emperor's Coven," Tiny Chicken Hand---okay, fine, Kikimora---said, "we value members with elegance, sophistication, and grace."

At that moment, one of the doors opened, revealing a very dirty, very beat-up, and very irritated Lilith.

Hunter let out a sharp intake of breath and ducked behind the nearest pillar, praying that she wouldn't see him.

"Ah! Make way for Miss Lilith Clawthorne, students," Kikimora told them as she passed.

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