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Deep in the heart of the Isles, there was a castle.

It was built in the middle of a massive canyon, and the scouts of the Emperor's Coven roamed it. To most people living in the Isles, it was considered a symbol of unity, a place where their great leader carried out his will through the illustrious members of his coven.

But to some, it was a symbol of repression and nothing else.

Inside the castle, Lilith stood in front of the stained-glass visage of her leader, knowing full well that outside, so many wild witches were being carted in to join covens---or worse.

"I haven't forgotten what you promised me," she whispered. "I will bring you my sister, Emperor Belos."

"Then why the delay?"

Lilith turned around with a start, spotting the small, familiar figure behind her. "Kikimora! I---"

"The Day of Unity is fast approaching," Kikimora reminded her. "And other witches have bound many rogue witches to covens, yet the Owl Lady still roams free." She tilted her head to the side. "Are you... protecting her?"

"Rest assured, ma'am, I have everything under control," Lilith assured her, snapping her fingers.

A large group of Coven scouts instantly marched over, standing at attention.

"Today, we capture Eda," she announced, turning around. "Once and for all."


Hooty snored loudly as Lilith and the scouts crept closer to the Owl House. "Good," Lilith muttered. "That infernal house demon is asleep." She motioned the scouts to come closer. "Surround the house."

"Sleepwalking," Hooty droned, starting to stretch out. "Sleepwalking... SLEEP HOOTING!"

He flew awake and instantly tunneled into the ground, re-emerging right behind Lilith.

"Hiya, Lilith!" he hooted. "Peakahoot!"

Hooty slammed his forehead into hers, sending her flying into a tree.

The Coven scouts instantly charged at Hooty, waving their traps around.

"Sorry, Eda doesn't like trespassers," he said. "But I'm always here to make new friends!"

Chaos erupted as Hooty somehow expertly took down all of the scouts, Eda watching the destruction through a pair of binoculars.

"Ah, Hooty," she sighed, adjusting her scarf. "You're a thorn in my side, but you always dig your way into my heart."

Hunter peered into the cauldron full of glowing golden strands. "What's with the magic spaghetti?"

"The 'magic spaghetti' is witch's wool," Eda corrected. "It repels spells. Every witch worth their salt has a cloak made of this stuff."

"Oh, nice! Can I have one?"

She yanked the cauldron away. "Easy, kid. With the Emperor's goons at my doorstep, I'm gonna need this for protection. They've really stepped up their attacks lately."

Hunter looked out the window at the chaos unfolding, then back at Eda. "I think I finally get why the Emperor wants you so badly."


He grinned. "He's got the hots for you, doesn't he?"

Eda laughed. "Cute sentiment, but no---and even if he did, he's way too old for me." Her expression became serious. "Emperor Belos controls all wild magic through his coven system, and he ordered my capture years ago after I refused to fall in line."

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