introducing Izzy!

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I made it out alive with only 1 weeks grounding and guess what..... no school!....but there's a catch......Ryan, James, and Chole will teach/ tutor me. Chole was a goody goody and didn't do anything bad so she gets to go to school. 

I was thinking......I could run away while everyone is at school.....but then i would leave my sister behind and I love her too much to do that.(sisterly love catbear210 lol) but maybe I could convince her to stay home ''sick'' and then escape. hmmm

all of my thought of running away were crushed before me.

''I am going to get you someone like a baby sitter....more of like someone who will make sure you dont run away. crap he knew i would make a run for it. her name is Izzy shes a friend and she know about the kidnapping and she doesn't mind. She goes to college at night and will sometime teach you your studies. She stay from when we go to school to when we get home.'' Ryan told me.

''dont you trust me through'' i said batting my lashes and giving the innocent puppy dog face.

he hesitated for a minute and then flat out said ''no'' my whole face fell

''not after a stunt like that you pulled'' he said and then walked away.

maybe I lost their trust.....if they even had any.

Then next day everyone left and before i could even plan on escaping Izzy came strolling through the door.

''hey'' she said. ''I'm izzy'' she held out her hand.

I started at it for a minute and then shook it answering ''I'm hayley, the captive, nice to meet you.''

she laughed. yeah...sorry about that but one day you will soon understand why...anyways so you want to get started on math?''

I groaned. ''Do we really have to start so early? I mean its only-i glanced at the clock- 8:03 am can we make breakfast or something.

''sure'' she answered. ''but dont start a food fight'' she laughed. oh so they told her about that...

We had the best time making breakfast we both acted like we were friend for 15 years. we flipped and scrambled eggs made toast and some pancakes which we put in the fridge for dinner. Izzy was a petite, had Blonde wavy hair that cascaded down her back and deep chocolate brown eyes. She was so sweet and friendly and I could tell we would great friends. I almost even forgot I was kidnapped, almost.

''so how do you like being kidnapped, i heard they are pretty chill about it like they aren't very mean.'' Izzy asked.

''actually I never thought about that.....there not that bad I guess i mean I'm sure there are much worse at times it doesn't even feel like i'm kidnapped it feels like I'm just living with them because my parents are away....but at the end of the day, I'm kidnapped.'' I answered.

''ahhh I see how it is, so you ready to start math now?''


''so you carry the 2 and then-''

''i don't understand it! I'm so lost!''  hayley interrupted.

30 minutes later

''YOU CARRY THE DAMN 2!!!!'' Izzy yelled.

''oh! why didn't you just say to carry the 2 like half an hour ago'' hayley said.

''ugh'' Izzy moaned and then slapped her head with her hand.

''can we do language arts now I get the math''

''sure'' Izzy answered

1hour into doing poetry


''googiling it......acutually there is a word...there is Sporange is the mixing of orange and sperm to make sporange. Normally used with soda or juice.'' Hayley said

''oh'' izzy said.

''so, is social studies next?'' Hayley asked.


2 hours into science.


''oh like the game?'' Hayley said

'' the game.'' Izzy sighed

by the time they went threw all the subjects Izzy was exhausted. right when they both almost fell asleep watching tv Chloe,James and Ryan come threw the door.

''how was your day?'' Ryan asked.

''ehhh it was good'' Izzy and Hayley answered.

''and yours?'' hayley asked.

''fine, no crazy people screamed out cars'' he chuckled.

i stuck my tounge out at him.

''did you two get along'' James answered.

''yep'' we said in illusion.

''ok it's time for me to go'' Izzy said jumping off the couch.

''bye'' everyone said in illusion before she left.

''guys im exsasted im going to go to sleep.'' I said

''k good night'' everyone said together before heading into the kitchen for an afternoon snack

----------------A/N- hey everyone! few things:

1. I made a new cover. (actually i have 2 but I will switch off)

2.I hope you liked this chap :)

3. Any suggestions for a cast?

4. I really thought i had more than this lol....

5. queshtion of the day: If you had to eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

6. luv you all!!!!




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