Chapter 2: The Task Force

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The conference room is packed with law enforcement. Jane and Maura are standing by the door in suspense. Maura has no knowledge of Jane's conversation with Cavenagh, per his orders to Jane. As far as she is concerned she produced a profile on the suspects and the FBI along with the BPD will now share that with the task force and go from there.

Maura sips her coffee, paying close attention to Cavenagh, who is starting the meeting. Jane's eyes are glued to the doctor. God, knowing her she'll see this as an experiment or an opportunity to play detective in the field. They don't get it. She's so selfless and willing to put herself at risk if it will save lives that she doesn't think twice about putting herself in harm's way. Jane thinks as she shifts her weight and twirls her hair.

"As you all know we have not gotten a break in the murder case of 8-year-old Grace Brennan involving the ongoing bank robberies.". Jane's eyes remain on the doctor.

"You're doing it again you know, I told you, you need sex, Jane" Maura whispers in the detective's ear. Jane clears her throat nervously, her heart beating even faster now. "Or tangled hair. Could you not whisper: I need sex in my ear while we are in a room full of FBI agents?". Jane snaps back in a whisper annoyedly.

Maura sees everything she does, as a sign of sexual frustration, and granted she is not wrong but in this case, the doctor doesn't have all the facts for Jane's behavior. That does not stop the outspoken ME from speaking her mind to her best friend.

"That is until yesterday afternoon when two people who shall remain nameless for their protection, came forward with information about a young married couple who are now our prime suspects." Maura gasps slightly. "My analysis was correct?". Maura whispers to Jane, not in surprise that she was right, because let's face it, she usually is, she was surprised to only hear about it now in this setting. That was the way the BPD operated.

Jane gives Maura a tight-lipped smile, that's all she could manage as she anticipates Cavanaghs inevitable decision to go through with the undercover operation involving the chief medical examiner of the commonwealth.

"Details of the robberies and future heists were revealed to said individuals, in an attempt to recruit them into their plan to heist a multi-million dollar firm, details which were not released to the public." Cavenagh looks at the detective almost apologetically but still professional.

"Dr. Isles, our chief medical examiner has compiled a profile on our suspects which states they are likely a couple in their late 20's. They are thrill-seekers and seek out the spotlight. They are narcissistic with a predisposition for violence." he says looking at the doctor.

"All this turned out to be accurate as our prime suspects are Emily and Christian Reid, 29 years old. They live comfortably in the suburbs and blend into their wealthy and ostentatious neighborhood." Cavenagh continues

Cavenagh clears his throat. "I am putting together a task force to undergo an undercover operation to infiltrate the neighborhood and gain the suspects' trust.". "Please go through the details of this case in your designated binders and start working. Everyone except for the agents directly related to this task force is dismissed. I want all hands on deck. Dr. Isles, will you stay behind as well?."

The room shrinks to about half its previous occupancy and Maura stays behind expecting to merely give further expertise on the new prime suspects. Jane is pacing back and forth, her eyes piercing into Cavenagh with a fiery gaze.

Oh, he's slimy, debriefing Muara in a room full of FBI and local law enforcement to help his case. How is she supposed to refuse this bullshit undercover operation in a room full of people who lay down their lives every day for their community? Jane practically screams internally.

"Dr. Isles. It is no secret that we would not have even made it this far in the case without your expertise and assessments. Where three other well-qualified FBI profilers failed, you came through, and the BPD thanks you for that" The FBI specialists in the room shift uncomfortably.

Maura smiles gracefully "I was only doing my job Lieutenant. I want to bring whoever is behind this to justice for the Brennan family who lost their daughter much to soon." Jane's eyes go back and forth between Cavenagh and Maura while she paces back and forth.

"Well said doctor that is what we are all here to do in the end. To save lives, protect the community, and bring justice to the families of the victims. That is why I am asking you to join the task force and go undercover along with detective Rizzoli and gather evidence as fast as possible."

Maura's mouth falls open and she looks at Jane in confusion. "I realize you are not trained for undercover work in the field and Jane did bring to light some issues you have with deceiving-"

"What the hell Lieutenant! Are you seriously making me a part of this now?. I told you that because she should not be asked to do this-" All eyes in the room are on Jane, she could feel the seasoned and professional FBI agents and specialists stare at her.

"-Outside now Rizzoli". ''Maura you do not have to do this. Look at me" Maura looks at Jane and could see the brunette is mortified. "That's an order Rizzoli, escort the detective outside to cool down"

A uni escorts Jane out of the conference room and she pulls her arm away forcefully "Let go of me! You grab me again and I'll rip your arm clean off, Jones" Jane yells at the officer just doing as the chief of police ordered.

"Don't take your anger out on him. Maura is a grown woman, Jannie, an accomplished professional. Protecting her is not your jo-" Korsak says in a failed attempt to calm the taller woman down.

"- Don't give me that bullshit and don't call me that. You know Maura. You know what she's like? She thought Molly was a talk show host and Oprah was a web browser. She's the dumbest genius I know. Book smart, not street smart. How is she gonna survive an undercover operation that could take weeks if not months?!"

Korsak looked Jane in the eye "With the best detective I know by her side. You were the best in the business working undercover, the youngest officer to ever be promoted to the rank of detective. And you can't deny the doctor would be an invaluable asset to have with you in the field."

Jane leaned against her desk, head bowed "I can't lose her, Korsak. She's too good for this screwed-up world. Too good for me" Jane whispers the last bit to herself.

Maura comes out of the conference room and shakes Cavenaghs hand. Jane all but sprints to the doctor. "Jane before you say anything-" Jane places her hand on her forehead and looks at Maura, mortified. "-You gave in didn't you?! Dammit Maura he has the mayor on his ass and he is desperate. He's willing to risk your life to-"

"- To bring justice, to save lives? Isn't that what we're all doing here Jane?-" Jane sighs loudly and speaks through clenched teeth."Don't repeat his speech to me, he's just-". "This is not about Cavenagh Jane. If I am not willing to do everything in my power to bring these people to justice, bring justice for that little girl's death" Maura's eyes fog over with glistening tears and she quickly looks down.

Jane softens dramatically. She leads the doctor to the elevator by her hand with her other hand on Maura's lower back. "I know Maur. I want that too. Just... not at the expense of you. Does that make me a terrible person?" Maura wipes her eyes "No, just a very good best friend"

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