Chapter 16: The Housewarming Party Part 1

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Jane had Maura on stirring the white sauce for her Cauliflower recipe. She couldn't stop thinking about the past few hours. The look of terror in Maura's eyes as she thought they were going to die in that small room.

She couldn't believe that these people were desperate enough to intimidate them to find out what they knew. That they would go so far as to kidnap her, a detective with BPD and the Chief Medical Examiner of the Common Wealth! They have balls, she'll give them that.

This case was turning out to be much bigger than she thought. A small part of her is starting to want Reid to keep doing what he's doing to restore what these people have taken and expose the scandal in the process. A bigger part of her just wanted to put whover shot and killed Grace Brennan behind bars for a very long time.

Also occupying her mind... was Maura. Even with all this going on she couldn't stop thinking about her... sprawled out naked on the very kitchen island behind her. She's unbearably sexy enough with her clothes on but damn! She couldn't help wanting to do it again... But there was too much going on.

They need to focus on their relationship with the Reids. The fastest way to get them would be to record a confession to the robbery and shooting. Emily seemed to be getting close to Maura she thought. Maybe she would confied in her new friend?

The housewarming party should give them a chance to talk. Her meeting with Reid is coming up in a few hours. Is he going to do it? Ask her to be the driver for their next heist? They could plan it all together and as they head to the firm- have the units swoop in and arrest them.

That was the plan all along and would give them enough evidence to tie the Reids to the heist. It's a good sting. So why is it starting to feel like it's not the right move? Things are so much more complicated-

"Jane, you are stirring it wrong, inside to outside. Like this. It needs to thicken...You're just moving the poon around aimlessly" Maura scolds as she takes over the pot.

Jane snaps out of her head "Sorry Maur. I had no idea I could mess up stirring a pot." She backs away, Maura was very close. Too close not to take her right there again.

"You were thinking about this morning weren't you? We're ok, Jane... We made it out and we are going to finish this case and bring them all low". "Down Maura. Bring them all down."

Maura just looks at her with a sly smile. She brings her hand to her raven hair half covering that beautiful face. Her Jaw is till bruised from where their captor hit her. She rubs her thumb gently along the edge of the bruise. "Jane I.." Silence.

"Yeah, Maur?". Janes heart still beats so fast around the doctor. "I know this seems... odd, with everything going on.." She's blushing.

"But I can't stop thinking about us. About you... Jane I want to... make you feel things. Wonderful things. Like you made me feel on that table-" Maura says modestly.

There's a knock on the door. Jane exhales a breath she didn't know she was holding. "Me too Maur. And its not that odd...Hold that thought" she says with a quick kiss before moving to the door.

Maura shakes her head to rid the thoughts invading her mind end brings her focus back to the sauce. The caterers would be there in a few hours, though this was a special recipe and one she knew Jane would like even if she's not big on greens.

"I'm glad to see you two are alright. Saurces say you were held captive last night?! Was it the Reids?" Perez asks worried.

"Yeah. It was pretty...inconvenient if I'm being honest" Jane says sarcastically, trying to downplay the events. It's still a little too real for them both and they are trying not to think about it too much.

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