Chapter 7: Welcome to Suburbia, Walker family!

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The alarm goes off and Jane mumbles something under her pillow. Maura gets up and starts her morning routine. "Today is the day. I'm nervous and excited...Are you nervous?" Maura says as she vigorously combs her hair. The brunette stirred a bit "Too tired to be excited. Need coffee".

Maura gets out of the shower and retrieves her clothes from the closet. Jane finally sits up, dragging her fingers through bed hair. Boy, do you have timing Rizzoli. Jane says to herself as she averts her sleepy eyes from Maura who is wearing nothing but a towel.

"I can't wait to meet our dog! Speaking of, do you at least get to go home to Joe before we move to the suburbs? The sitter for Bass will also be housesitting for me so Joe can stay there until we get back." the doctor says as she clasps her bra, not breaking eye contact with Jane.

Jane is giving herself a mental kudos for not having a near heart attack at the sight of a nacked Maura, getting dressed agonizingly slowly right in front of her while making conversation. "Um yeah. Tommy took her already and Frankie is gonna check-in, every other day, on my place. Ma is not happy. When I said I may be away for a few weeks or more she counted how many Sunday dinners I would miss right then and there. I felt like I was making a deal with a loan shark somehow."

"Your mother loves you very much, Jane. I didn't even tell either of mine about this. They have their own lives and I don't want to worry them." the ME says as she pulls the zipper of her dress up.

"Well, I'm sure they would appreciate it if you did tell them. They both care about you... Man! I need coffee" Jane says as she hops out of bed, brushes her teeth, and gets ready in less than half the time Maura took to get ready.

They walk to the cafeteria, they have 20 minutes before their final meeting with Perez to go over everything they can again before all direct contact to the FBI and BPD will be suspended, standard protocol when going deep undercover.

"I am very anxious Jane, aren't you? I know you are more in tune with this world than I am but haven't you been afraid of anything?" Jane sips her coffee constantly before answering "Uhm...Witches. My family went to Salem when I was little."

"See you were very impressionable," Maura says nodding at Jane. "Yes, I had to sleep with a night light. Why, what were you scared of?" Maura gets a frightened look spread across her face "Chromobacterium Violoceum." ."What's that?" Jane asks unfazed with a shrug.

"It's a... flesh-eating bacteria... It crawls inside your ears and... nose and starts-" Jane starts waving her hands objectively and she has a mortified look "Ok I got i-" "Starts eating you from the inside out" Jane pinches the bridge of her nose and closes her eyes "I-I got it, Maura. God woman. Well, there you go. Nothing could ever be as bad as that- not even what we are about to do."

Maura's face lights up. Jane always has a way of making her see things differently and it helps the doctor feel better when she's anxious or scared. "You're right. Thank you, Jane" Maura says, placing her hand over the detectives.

They get to the lecture hall around 8 to find Perez, Cavenagh, and 'just James' waiting for them by the podium. "Oh, this outta be good. Hello James. You miss me?" Jane says sarcastically. James just nods to greet the women.

"D-day Rizzoli. Perez assures me you two are ready to go in. She also says you and doctor Isles have passed your training with flying colors. I had complete faith in you both"

Jane is not ready to oversee the fact that Cavenagh is the reason Maura is here in the first place, ready to risk her life but she can compartmentalize.

"Thank you, sir. Yes, Dr. Isles actually set a new record yesterday for defusing one of their more challenging model bombs. She never ceases to amaze." Jane says, looking at the doctor with adoration.

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