Chapter 21: Mile High Club

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Christain gave them all new passports under new names and soon they were off to the airport. Maura, for a change, was the calm one as Jane was clutching nervously at her hand.

On the plane Christian and Emily were two seats ahead of Jane and Maura, sitting in first class. Jane gave a clever remark about the tickets costing over $5000 apiece considering they're all gonna go down just the same if the plane crashes and Maura just rolled her eyes as they boarded. James was way at the back to Jane's relief. It would be a shame if they were to end up on a no-fly list because his face was just asking for it to be punched.

Two hours into the flight, Maura was catching up on her reading on a medical journal that she downloaded beforehand. She was tracing lazy circles on Jane's forearm and furrowing her brow in concentration on her article.

Jane paused her game and looked at Maura. She cleared her throat to say something when Maura stopped her movements on Jane's arm. "Oh, sorry I didn't realize-" "-No why'd you stop? I..." Jane paused. "We haven't really had time to just enjoy... us. Have we?" She looked at Maura and took in all her features like she was doing it for the first time.

Maura locked her tablet and turned in her seat to face Jane. She took her hand and held it firmly against her and exhaled. "No. I suppose not. This may not make sense... but I miss you." Jane's dimple showed as a smile spread slowly. "It's not logical because we have been together this whole time but... I miss just being with you. No people trying to kill us. No secrete operation. I wish we were home... maybe even watching baseball while you yell at the television like you could change the outcome"

Jane chuckled. "Yeah. Me too. Gahd I..." Jane paused. She wanted to say that she loves Maura. But only because it feels right and natural at this moment... or it did before Jane started overthinking as usual. But saying it with everything going on would seem like she's saying a possible goodbye. It should be the happiest time for them but Jane is in a constant state of worry for them both.

With small moments of pure bliss when she looks into Maura's eyes and briefly forgets that they are in a constant state of fear, danger, and anxiety. Those moments are what keep her going. She pictures her and Maura together back in Boston with all this behind them and it drives her to finish this. To bring the killer to justice and take down the corrupt hierarchy in the process. Everything is at stake. No pressure, Jane thinks.

"Jane? What is it?... Where did you go?" Maura asks as she squeezes her hand, searching her eyes for answers. "Just picturing that game. With you". Maura smiles a dimpled smile and leans in with her gaze on Jane's lips. She kisses her slowly and brushes her thumb along her chin.

A few more hours go by. The lights in the plane are dimmed. Most passengers are getting some shut-eye. "I'll just be a minute," Maura says as she gets up to use the lavatory. Jane gets a mischievous grin as she watches Maura disappear behind the door. She gives her a few moments before subtly getting out of her seat and walking to the lavatory Maura was occupying. "Open up it's important," Jane says with a small knock on the door. "Jane I'm almost done. Surely it can wait until then" Maura says simply. "Nope. Can't wait..."

Jane thinks quickly on her feet. Maura is a stickler for the rules after all and if she catches on to her intentions, she may not open the door, Jane thinks. "I change my mind, I want you to tell me all about... Wobler and Snoozeville" she hears a flush and the door clicks open.

"Really!?" Maura asks excitedly, ignoring Jane's deliberate mispronunciation of their names as she starts washing her hands. "Well, Wilbur and Orville Wright had invented the first successful aircra- aah.. -What're you doing?" Maura asks with a jump as she feels Jane's hand sliding up beneath her dress, her breath is hot on her neck as she parts her lips to give Maura an open mouth kiss.

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