Chapter 19: You want us to what?

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Jane is subtly scanning the room for exits and plotting their escape. She'll shoot James first and then maybe take Emily hostage to get Reid to let her and Maura leave safely.

"I know what you're thinking Jane. Don't do it. Believe it or not, we're not enemies" Jane shifts uneasily. "Oh yeah how so? I still have a murder to solve. Don't think that just because this thing runs deeper than we thought that we are all suddenly on the same side."

Reid becomes agitated. Then gets a calm look on his face. "I will give you the name of the person responsible for Grace Brennan's death with the evidence along with it after I bring these people down. You have my word."

"How do I know I can trust you?" Jane asks although, for reasons unknown to her, she already does. Something about his eyes. If there's one thing she has been more than gifted in, it's seeking out a liar. And he's not one.

"Because I knew who you were from day one and yet I didn't make any attempt to harm either of you or run. Don't you see? I need you. We need each other if we are going to bring these people down. There is no justice in this world unless we make it detective" Reid says ever so calmly.

Jane reluctantly lowers her gun. "Just because I am lowering this gun does not mean I agree to anything. I don't trust you.-" Jane says motioning to Emily. "I don't trust you-" She says looking at Reid "And I definitely don't trust you! Gah, your face makes me want to hit you so hard that you're gonna have to unbutton your collar to poop." Jane says motioning to James in disgust.

"He kidnapped us! How am I supposed to trust that weasel face-looking bureaucrat?" Jane says motioning to James. "Yes, he works for the very people we are trying to destroy and he was forced to capture you and to do much worse than he did, frankly" Reid says trying to calm Jane down.

The look on her face does not go unnoticed by anyone in the room. "It's true, detective. I found myself working for the very people I got into this job to stop-" "-Oh for the love of Peet stop. Everything out of your mouth is insanely stupid. Everyone in the room is now dumber having listened to it." Jane says as she puts her gun back behind her back.

James just shakes his head. "I could have killed you and your colleague but-" "-I assume you understand that if you ever lay a finger on Maura, it will be the last thing you do on this earth" Jane says in a low growl and James inadvertently steps back.

"Alright now that we are past the awkwardness. Jane, he works for me and he is invaluable for this operation-" "-This 'operation' is illegal." "Detective." Jane says motioning to herself. "The Chief medical examiner of the Commonwealth" Jane says motioning to Maura. "Fucking James" She says waving her arm unenthusiastically at James.

"That's the beauty of my plan detective. No one will ever know you helped bring them down. You can go back to your lives, bringing justice to the victims of the families of Boston after this. You know how many heists we pulled off before you caught on. You still wouldn't have known it was us had our friends not gone to the authorities. Just think of how much faster we would bring them down with you two-"

"Let me stop you right there.-" "I know that your covers are not real. Give me a break, you think I was born yesterday?" Jane looks at him with narrow eyes. "But you two are real. Youngest ever officer to be promoted to detective. Dr. Maura Isles, meticulous, intelligent. Probably more intelligent than I." he says with a small smile.

"It's not the way I thought I would execute my plan but BPD has inadvertently delivered their best to me and I do not intend on letting this opportunity slip by.-" "-That a threat?" Jane says as she steps forward toward Reid.

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