16. Brace For Impact

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The last two Valentine's Days that Ruby had experienced were on two different ends of the spectrum. Her most recent one had been the best there ever could be. She got to go to a BTS concert, and get an autograph from the one and only V. The Valentine's Day before that she had been stuck single. She had also tragically found out the new guy that she had a crush on at the cafe was married. She had been so enamored by him that she hadn't even noticed. She had been utterly humiliated, and felt like quitting her favorite job just so she didn't have to deal with the embarrassment.

She more than likely would have if she hadn't been saved that evening. At least, she thought she had been saved. There had been some knight in shining armor that had made her feel like a princess. She was fairly certain of that, but she couldn't remember anything about them. It was just a feeling. When she had tried to tell Ame about it, Ame had chalked it up to some imaginary being that Ruby had made up. Of course, Ame was in a sour mood at the time from the breakup so Ruby let Ame's comment go. Freddi had said a similar thing though. Freddi claimed if Ruby had no pictures (and not even a phone number) that it definitely had to be made up.

After all, knights in shining armor saved princesses not bumbling idiots.

"Ruby, you okay?"

Ruby nodded. She hadn't realized that she was zoning out in front of the cup dispenser until someone had spoken. Turning, she looked at who stood beside her. Her eyes widened in shock. It was Dexter - the new guy she had made a fool of herself in front of.

Well technically - she supposed in hindsight - it had been he that had made the fool of himself. He had been the one to throw himself at her. Dexter was embarrassed by what overcame him that night. He figured the stress and tiredness had gotten to him, and he had momentarily confused Ruby with his new wife. Ever since that night a little over a year ago now, Dexter and her had always worked opposite shifts from one another. This was the first shift she had worked with him since that night.

"I'm fine," said Ruby turning away.

"Right. Good," said Dexter with a nod of his head.

He reached in front of her to grab one of the empty cups before walking off to go fulfill the order he had just taken. Ruby turned her head to watch Dexter go, sighing.

"You sighing for your lost love?" asked a voice off to her right.

Of course the co-worker she despised most of all was also working this shift with her. Talia thought that she was the prettiest woman in the cafe. Not only that, but she enjoyed picking on someone because it made her feel better about her fabulous life. Ruby had been Talia's target since Ruby started working at the cafe two years ago, and Ruby could never understand why.

"Shut up, Talia," said Ruby in response.

Ruby quickly grabbed a cup in her hands before moving to fulfill her customer's order. Was this the day of long shifts or something? First Ame and her shift, and now Ruby and hers. Ruby sighed. Tonight was definitely going to be a take out night.

- - -

Taehyung knew that he would have to venture out into the world for supplies at some point, and where he had given Jungkook a 'homework assignment', he knew the task fell solidly on his shoulders.

"I expect a list of at least ten different ways we can find your mystery woman by the time I get back from the store," said Taehyung as he tugged a black hoodie on.

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