26. Necessary Comfort

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This evening certainly hadn't gone the way that Ruby, Taehyung, and Jungkook thought that it would. Ruby stood in the kitchen doorway, looking at Ame in her fetal position on the couch. Taehyung and Jungkook had both parted ways with her and Ame as soon as they re-entered the building. Taehyung had given her the shoebox with Charming in it before they parted ways, and Ruby had safely tucked in away into the closet for the night.

"Ame, come on. You have to have something to eat."

Ame and her tear-filled eyes turned to look at Ruby. She hadn't stopped crying since it happened. Ruby understood. Even though Ame had only had Charming for a year, Charming was an important part of her life. Ruby walked over to Ame, gently putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Ruby don't worry about me," said Ame as she laid there. "Just get something to eat for yourself."

Ruby sighed. She knew that it would be impossible to peel her sister off the couch. Digging out her phone as she moved to re-enter the kitchen, she texted Taehyung.

Sorry about tonight.
How is Jungkook?

Dream Teamer Tae
He's fine.
How's Ame?


Dream Teamer Tae
Is there anything we can do?

Ruby smiled at that. Who in a million years would think that comfort from them would be something that was accessible? Looking over at her sister again in the living room who was currently staring off into space as she stared at the wall, she knew that Ame wasn't in the mood for company. However, deep down, even if Ame fought against the idea, she needed comfort from as many people as possible.

How about you come over?
You and Jungkook.

Dream Teamer Tae
Are you sure?

Ame needs the comfort right now.
The support.
And I have a feeling Jungkook does too.

Dream Teamer Tae
Okay then.
We'll be right over.

Ruby slipped her phone away then as she walked back towards Ame on the couch. While she had been texting Taehyung, Ame had grabbed up a blanket on the back of the couch and had wrapped herself in it. In doing so, Ame had managed to lull herself into a light sleep. Ruby would let her sister rest for as long as she needed to, but was glad the boys were coming so they'd be there for her when she woke up again. Before Ruby realized it, there came a knock at the door. Moving to open it, she saw that Taehyung and Jungkook both stood there. Neither of them had changed out of the outfits they had been planning to wear to dinner.

"Come in," said Ruby as she opened the door wider for them.

As the two of them entered, they noticed that Ame was asleep on the couch. Ruby motioned them towards the kitchen where the stuff from the spaghetti dinner was still set out.

"We didn't have to come over if she's asleep," said Taehyung as he and Jungkook pulled out a seat at the table.

"She just went to sleep," said Ruby. "Besides, I think one of the best things she could have when she wakes is the both of you here to help comfort her."

Ruby looked over at Jungkook after she finished talking, noticing that the other was rather silent. Jungkook turned his head to look at Ame lying asleep on the couch in the living room.

"Jungkook feels guilty," said Taehyung to answer Ruby's questioning gaze.

"I should have been faster," Jungkook said with a sigh as he turned back to face the both of them. "Or I should have seen the bunny before the car. I should have..."

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