62. Don't Want To Go

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Freddi was lying on her bed with her arms tucked behind her head. She could not wipe the smile off her face even if she tried to. That kiss with Jimin - while it hadn't sparked any old memories - had definitely started some new ones. Ruby kept checking her cell phone for messages from Taehyung from where she lay beside Freddi, but there still weren't any messages since his last one that said he'd be a bit longer. Sighing, she put the phone on the bedside dresser before turning her head to look at Freddi.

"Why are you all smiles?" asked Ruby.

Freddi turned her head to the side to look at Ruby.

"Jimin and I kissed."

"You what?!"

Ruby sat bolt upright in the bed as her eyes still stayed on the giddy Freddi.

"You're kidding me," said Ruby. "Really?"

"Of course! Your girl has game!" said Freddi with a grin, "And it was beautiful."

"I'm happy for you," said Ruby. "So what does this mean for the two of you now?"

Freddi shrugged.

"Who knows, but he also introduced himself to my mother over the phone before we kissed. Maybe he'll end up asking me on a date," said Freddi. "See? I can find love on my own. I don't need Cupid controlling my love life, thank you very much."

"Unless Cupid is involved," said Ruby. "Maybe you and Jimin are a distraction."

"Our chemistry is so explosive that it could be a distraction," said Freddi, "But how dare you think such an evil man has anything to do with something so beautiful?"

It was then that a loud knocking came at their motel room door. Ame - who was half asleep on the other bed - sprang up to run to the door with Ruby. They were both shocked to see an unmasked Jimin there.

"What are you doing?" asked Ruby in alarm. "Why aren't you wearing..."

"There's something wrong with Charming," said Jimin. "Come quick."

Ame didn't have to hear that twice as she rushed to the motel room next door. Charming laid curled in a ball on the bed he was to share with Jungkook. Ame ran over to him, putting her hand on his arm as he whined in pain. He was sweating and shaking.

"Charming," said Ame softly, trying to turn him to face her.

He rolled as she tugged, soon lying on his side facing her. Sweat glistened on his forehead as he let out a moan of pain, curling in on himself more.

"What's wrong?" asked Ame. "Charming, talk to me."

By then Jimin had re-entered the room with Freddi and Ruby. The three of them stood off near the doorway as they watched the scene unfolding. Charming opened his eyes, and Ame could see the pain written there too.

"I...I...I d-don't..."

He couldn't get the words out. Each shudder his body felt seemed to impede his speech even more. Ame frowned as she looked behind her at the three of them.

"Someone get me some water and a washcloth," said Ame. "NOW!"

At the sudden sharp tone of her voice, Ruby sprang into action as she rushed into the bathroom. Ame turned her gaze back to Charming who was letting out more whimpers of pain.

"You're going to be okay," said Ame. "You probably just have a fever."


Ame could tell that Charming was trying to get the words out and was frustrated with himself at the inability. Ame sighed as she moved to run a hand through his hair. As she did, she realized that his hair stopped feeling like hair. It felt almost like...fur.

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