page seven

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Nayichu is sitting in her throne when The head of Sakura, Karana comes in.

Sakurai Karana: Master Nayichu I have very important news.

Nayichu: Well spill it child.

Sakurai Karana: O-of course. We spotted the turtles last night on our mission. Their much stronger than before and Larota. She's different now.

Nayichu looked suprised but then annoyed. She put her elbow on the chair handle and rested her head on her hand

Nayichu: How so.

Sakurai Karana: She's stronger and much more powerful. Her sisters and their friend aswell. The shinobi relies on her magic more than her physical strength.

Nayichu: Mei Pei Chi...

She said under her breath with anger. Her head twitched and she breathed in and then she laughed a little.

Nayichu: Larota and Her younger sisters aren't irrelevant to our plans. We just need them dead. As for the Shinobi, well she's a Shinobi mutant!! I can use her blood to make my body stronger. The Mutagen that runs through her blood is not like the others. Different.

Sakurai Karana: With all do respect Master Nayichu. How would we be able to catch them. let alone kill them if both Rozu and my teams can't lay a single scratch on them?

Nayichu: Don't worry I have this under control. I have a friend that will help us.

She said with sarcasm and an evil smile. The camera focuses on a rather large figure in the background then quickly goes black.

*back in Peru*

Hopu had felt bad for Irma so she tried her best to comfort her. Irma is sitting at the round dinner table with a blanket around her. Hopu's hand can be seen stirring a spoon in a cup.

Hopu: I'm terribly sorry young one. My daughter's can be reckless at times.

The camera faces Irma who is served with Tea by Hopu. She sits down right in front of Irma.

Irma: It's ok. I'm sure it was an accident but I've never seen anything or anyone like them before.

Hopu: I understand. It will take time for you to adjust to the situation but you can't stay here. You'll be in very big trouble.

Irma took a sip of the tea.

Irma: So how exactly did your daughter's turn into these mutants?

Hopu set down her Tea.

Hopu: let me tell you a story young one. My daughters are extraordinary. Their different than you and me in so many levels. Turtles right? That's not the case I'm afraid. You see...

The screen fades into another scene. It was blurry but you could see fire.

Hopu: They've always been this way. Their parents were turtles and they soon had three little girls. Larota, Talena and Amoly.
{She giggled a little.}

Their eggs were so adorable but really big! They had another that was around 4 years older.  They were happy. But one day Tragedy struck. There was fire. Everywhere and the screams of terror was something you could never forget. Their mother. Mh... she was my best friend. She told me to take her children out of the village and so I did. Larota was about 2 weeks old when all of this happened and the other two we're still in their eggs.

Irma: So Venus is 4 years older than the rest?

Hopu: Oh no. Uhm...

Hopu leaned In closer to Irmas face and whispered.

Hopu: She's adopted.

Irma: Oh.

Irma said under her breath.

Hopu: I left to go fight with my friends and the battle felt like it lasted hours. The girls mother left for a short while and soon came back but then she died right infront of my eyes. She begged me to take care of her children and so here we are.

Hopu looked sad.

Irma: Oh. I'm sorry.

Hopu: It's alright. That was 14 years ago anyway. It was dark times. Very dark times...

She said with worry in her voice and Irma became curious. Hopu noticed this and decided to change the subject.

Hopu: what did you say your name was again dear?
Irma: O-oh! It's Irma! I-Irma L-langestein.

Hopu's face lit up and she chuckled.

Hopu: Well I guess that explains why you're here then.

Irma: W-what? I don't understand?

Hopu: Your family has helped ours for years. It's no surprise my daughter's brought you here.

Irma: I'm sorry but I don't understand?

Hopu: You're Linda's Neice am I correct?

Irma: How do you know Tia Linda?

Hopu: She helped me when I first moved here. She's very sweet and loyal unlike most of the Family. The other day she was just talking about you. I'm terribly sorry Irma. About what happened when you were a child that is.

Irma: Oh yeah...

Hopu: I know that life can be difficult but trust me it gets better.

She said putting a hand on Irmas shoulder.

Irma: Thank you Hopu...

She said to her softly smiling. Just then the 4 girls went into the room.

Amoly: Not.

Talena: A single.

Venus: spot.

Larota: left.

Then they all groaned. Talena, Venus and Amoly fell onto of Larota and she groaned again.. Hopu giggled.

Hopu: It's time to rest my daughters. Larota take them to your rooms. I'll guide Irma to the proper guest room.

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