Chapter 1: Overdrive Labs

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A.N this is a new universe! With unlimited potential!

Vulpe Pov

     Hello! I am Vulpe! You can call me what you want. A geek. A nerd. A nobody... but I don't like that last one. Though my life is pretty amazing! I've got a loving family. Good friends and I've also got a field trip! It is to an experimental lab! They are working on genetically modified animals there. Anyways I think to myself putting on a shirt getting ready. I grab my glasses and slide them onto my face. I say to myself "Lookin good". I then walk to the door and leave my room. Prepared for the day. I walk down the stairs with a pep in my step.

I hear my mom and dad say "Hey Vulpe! breakfast is ready".

I reply "Hey mom, hey dad!". I sit down and ask "Sooooo how's work?"

He replies "great, for once... we've got the genetics down for the lizard DNA!"

I ask with a questioning tone "so you can regrow limbs".

"Exactly!" He says with a smile on his face.

"What your doing is incredible, dad!".

He grabs his coffee and says "Thanks! we've been getting a lot of backlash from this project... so it's good to have support"

He then sips his coffee and I say "well anyways my class is going to the lab! It's going to be so cool!".

He puts down his coffee and asked: "Why didn't you tell me earlier?".

I say "I wanted it to be a surprise but I guess I just spilled the beans" the last bit had a sadder tone to it. I then look at the time and say "Well I've gotta go so you soon!".

He looks at me and says "See you later!".

 I then start to walk to the bus. I think about the genetics project my dad is working on. I think "That is going to help a lot of people". I then hear a bus go by me. I look up and see that it's my bus! I run towards it and bang on the side screaming "OPEN THE DOOR, PLEASE OPEN IT". After a minute the bus begins to slow and I hop on. I mutter out of breath "Thanks" and take a seat next to my friend Trevor. Trevor and I go way back! We were best friends since elementary school. Though recently he has been different. More distant. Less willing to talk. So I say to him "Hey Trevor how are ya doing?".

He looks up, black circles are beneath his eyes and he mutters "Tired... and exhausted".

I ask "Why? you usually are so hyper and energetic?"

he replies "I've just been having bad dreams". I say "if you ever want to talk to me you know you can, right?". "I know Vulpe" his face filled with. We sit in silence as we make our way to the school. 

     The bus soon stopped in front of the school. Forset Lake middle school. It's the worse one in the county for crime, but it's the best for education. So that's why my mom and dad sent me here. They say I have a brilliant mind. I don't buy that, though I want to make them proud so I study hard and I get great grades from that so I can't complain.

I then hear a familiar voice "Hey punny Vulpe" I feel a hand grab my upper arm. My heart starts racing. I then was pushed against the wall and I hear. "Do you do the homework for me?"

"Y-yes I did, Todd" I stutter out, my arms and legs tremble.
He smirks "pass it over" he moves his snout close to my ear "Vulpe wulpie". A chill goes down my spine.

"Please don't call me that, Todd". He turned me around and whispered, "You don't have a choice". He then grabbed the paper and walked away shooting a finger gun at me. That was Todd he is my bully. Or is maybe trying to get with me? I have no idea. I grab my heavy textbooks and my binders. I then close my locker and hear a familiar voice. It was Skye! The girl I had a crush on. I was also her tutor since she needed help in math and a couple of other subjects.

She looked at me "Hey Vulpe! Are we still on for tonight?". I look up at her. Her face was a beautiful pink and blue hue. They mashed perfectly making it look like a nice morning sky. Which was also her name. "Vulpe?" her face filled with concern.

I look up and blush "Sorry, got lost in a thought. Yes we are still on".

She looked pleased "See you later Vulpe!".

I grab my lock and slide it on "Bye Skye". I hear a guy whistle and I turn around to see Trevor. I ask, "Aren't you supposed to be in class?".

He looked up and shook his head "I'm too cool for school". I shake my head. Then he says "Anyways sooo do you like her?".

"Who," I said playing dumb.

"Skye?" he asked.

I blush "no, no no! I am her tutor".

He squints his eyes "Are you sure?".

My face now has an irritated demeanour "yes I am sure, now I gotta go!". I grab my textbook and my binder and begin to walk away. After a moment I reach my class and I sit down.

The teacher says "Vulpe you were late".

 I frown "I know miss, some people were just talking to me in the halls". Her face turned into a sad one "don't be late again, Vulpe". "Anyways we are just going to do a review of the rules before we go to the lab".

I phased out of the conversation and thought about what Trevor said. Is it really that visible that I like her? Or is it visible that she likes me? Does she like me? If she does maybe I should shoot my shot. Though do I have a chance? She is a popular kid and I'm just a weak fox. "So those were the rules. We can now drop off our stuff and move to the bus". I grab my books and sigh "I didn't even need these" I mutter as I walk to my locker. When I reach my locker I unlock it and place my books.

I hear a familiar voice again "Hey Vulpe,".

"Yes, Todd?".

 He slams me against my locker. "Don't get any ideas about what I said earlier, you don't have any power over me". He pulls me up by my collar "Do you understand?".

"Y-y-yes Todd"

"Good" he then lowered me and walked away. I mutter to myself "If I could stand up to them, oh they will pay".

I hear Skye walk by "Hey you ok? I saw what happened and I just wanted to make sure".

 I look up "Ya, Todd lives in another world, so I'm fine".

"Are you sure?",

"Ya, thanks for asking," I said in a gleeful tone.
I then hear a teacher who bursts through the door scream "VULPE, SKYE GET ON THE BUS".

"Whoops," I mutter. I then lock my locker and walk to the bus with Skye. she was looking down at the ground "that didn't go as planned" I joked. She chuckles and we sit down. 

     Soon the bus reached Overdrive Labs. I looked at it excitingly for the possibilities that await.

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