Chapter 4: Spider-Fur is Born

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I slide open my window and jump out of it. Sending a web to a nearby telephone. I start to swing, for the first time really. I then get the plateau of my swing and I send another web to a telephone pole. I start to feel joy rush through my body. I then let out a scream "WOOOOHOOO" as I send another web to a pole. I then think about what I stand for, peace? na to broad, end to all crime? to generic. I send another web. To help people?... that's a good one, not too broad and not too little. I start to then swing near the main island. I can hear cop cars flying by, so I change my swinging course and follow them. After a moment we get to the spot, its a bank and the people have hostages. I sigh knowing what to do. I swing in saying "hey! This is a strict no-crime zone!". As I do that I web the weapons out of their hands. They scream asking "WHO AND WHAT ARE YOU?". "the dude in spandex who is about to stop you", I then web their paws to the ground. They look down and scream "YOU SON OF A B-". I send a web blocking their snouts. "nuhuh-uh~ there are kids, so watch your language." I turn around to see a person in shock. They ask "who are you?". I look up and say "I'm Spider-Fur". Some police then storm the building, they then screamed: "PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR". I say "... Really? I just did 70% of your job for you." I hear someone say "He's right, he did save us from those burglars". They looked at me and said, "... go". I follow their request and send a web to the wall and swing through an open window. 

I swing back towards the main part of the city. I think about what I just did, was it helping? The police probably could have stopped it on their own. Though at the same time I did put my name out there, which will help with recognition. I then hear a scream nearby, I look down and see someone getting mugged. I let go of my web and swing into the alleyway. I say "Hey! Mugging is illegal". They turn around, "who are you? The Furry Spider?". I sigh and say "no, though that was on th-". My spider-sense goes off and I dodge a bullet. I then web the gun out of their hands, I ask "why'd you do this?". The other man replies "He needed the money, please just let me go!". I send a web to his legs locking them up. "You tried to mug this woman". I web them both to the wall "now suffer the consequences". I send a web to a nearby building and start to swing away. I then remember that I should probably get the cops out here. So I pull out my phone and call 911 saying "Hello, There is a mugging nearby 5th avenue, I called to let you know". I hang up the phone and start to swing again. 

Later that night

I was exhausted. I stopped 4 muggings, 1 bank job and told 15 people where the direction was to comic con. To put it simply, I helped a lot of people. Yet I do have school tomorrow, So I should probably go to bed. I grab my mask slowly pulling it off, I then pull the rest of my suit off. I place it in an old brown briefcase. Which I then slide under my bed. I then slide beneath the covers of my fluffy bed. Thinking about the days of helping people ahead.


I was at school. It sucked, mainly because I stayed up till 4 am. I was in the middle of geography when I heard someone pass me a note. It was from vivid and said, "meet me in the bathroom at lunch". I look over at him and he displays a thumbs up on his display. I nod and continue working on my homework. After about twelve minutes the bell rings and I begin to walk towards the bathroom. I ask myself "why does he want to talk to me? Am I a friend? I thought I was more of an estranged college than a friend.". I then saw the bathroom doors and I walked inside. I heard someone... crying? I walk farther in the see Vivid on the floor crying. I walk to him and kneel asking "What's wrong?". He looked up and said, "it's a long story, but to simplify Trevor is still alive". I was in shock, for the past week I've been going around thinking my best friend was dead. I ask "how I have time". He sighed and explained, "during the accident, he was accidentally injected with something". I was confused and asked, "with what?". He looked up and said, "I think it was the dark matter". I sigh and place my hands on the rim of the sink and ask "Do you know where he is?". He began to stand up, he then said: "I... I don't know, though you're his friend". He placed his hand on my shoulder "where would he be, Vulpe". I sigh and say "probably at his house". Vivid's face lights up and he says "well I'm going to meet him!". I say "why don't we call him? His parents shouldn't be home, and if he was wanting to hide he would still probably answer the phone if it's from me". Vivid sighs and says "sure, call em'". I then whip out my phone and dial his phone number. I then call him, and after a minute the phone picks up. I ask "Trevor, is that you?" I hear a familiar yet raspy voice on the other side "Yes, it's me Vulpe-" I cut him off "are you alright? I've been scared about you for a week!". He sighed and replied, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about what happened it's just that I changed, whatever your dad was working on changed me". I say with excitement in my voice "then why dont you go to school?" we can use the labs to find a cure!". He was filled with excitement "Okay I'm coming over now". I say "see you soon". I turn to Vivid and say "he's coming over here because you know the weird serum". Then my spider-sense went off, I turn around trying to find the source of it. Vivid looked at me and asked, "what's wrong?". I say "get out of here something is going to happen". He looks shocked and I scream "GO!". He runs out then I hear a loud boom from outside.

I quickly rip off my shirt and pants to reveal my Spider-fur suit. I slip on my mask and run out of the door and I see a fur that looks pure black. Like all light was being drained around him. I ask "hi! Who are you?" the man replies "Darkness, where is Vulpe". "who?" I ask not sure what he means.  "The kid whose dad died during the lab accident". I was in shock but I muttered out "h-he's busy right now!". "well I guess I'm going to have to rip this place apart to get him". I was in shock once more and I sent a web to his right hand. I then proceeded to use it to pull myself towards him. He then raised his hand and a table smacked me flinging me into a wall. I mutter "that didn't go to plan". I then get smacked by another table off the wall and into a column of tables. I then send a web to a nearby wall and start to swing around. Using my spider-sense to doge the oncoming attacks. I use my webs to fling a table which he sent towards me back at him, the table hits him smashing him into the wall. He then wiped his mouth as if he was bleeding. I could see a smile open across his face and he said "well I guess the gloves are off". He then raised both of his hands. Which caused the ground around me to break as I fall into the library a floor below me. I land on my tail hearing a faint crack. I then push myself up and look at the creature. I ask "who are you" weakly, he replied, "I am your worst Night-Mare". I then send a web to a nearby lamp smashing it into his head. Which made him look away. I use this break to jump at him. I then kick him in the chest, He grunts. I then send a web towards his chest. He catches it and I mutter "oh". He then yanks it causing me to fly through the wall. I scream as I break through the wall. I feel like I was hit by a train, I slowly get up and cough. Feeling a warm liquid trickle down my lip. I then quip "you are truly Walley mc-wall smasher!", he floated out of the hole and asked "then who are you?". I mutter "Sp-spider-fur" I then kick him in the face. Seeing a red-ish liquid drip from what I believed was his nose. He looked away and muttered some things. I send a web to a nearby locker and pull with all my strength. Ripping it off the wall flinging it towards him, I use my enhanced agility to jump out of the way. Then my spider-sense goes off and I was flung into a nearby wall. I grunt, then I push myself away from the indent my body made. I look around trying to find this guy, this nightmare. I look around and I see that I lost him. I then hear sirens in the background, but I also see some orange fur. "Vivid" I mutter. I run over to the debris and lift it off him, his display was slightly damaged. I ask him "Vivid, vivid you ok?". I hear a grunt and I see his display boot back up, I then ask him "are you, ok sir?". I hear him say "ya I'm ok, my robotic parts took most of the beating". I let out a relieved sigh "The police and paramedics are probably on their way". I then said, "well I should go and find that guy". I hear Vivid say "I-I think I might know who he is". I turn around curiously "who is he... or she?". I hear vivid let out a pent-up laugh and say "I think he is a guy called Trevor Coleman". I was surprised, I then asked "w-why do you think it's him?".  Vivid stood up and said, "because he was injected with dark matter". I ask "what does that have to do with this?", "The dark matter can attract any other form of matter!". "So he could fling tables or break floors". I say then look at home, "I've got to go". He asks with concern in his voice "Wait! Have you seen my friend Vulpe? He said to go and I guess he was right, but is he ok?". I look back at him and say "Ya I saw him and swung him to the door, he's safe". I hear him let out a sigh of relief, then I swing out of the building. 

I then think about what Vivid said. Could Trevor actually be the Night-Mare? If he is then I have to stop him. For his own good, maybe I could cure him. Or maybe he is too far gone...

Happy Birthday @SymbioteFan563   :)

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