Kylie and Keith survived their... eventful week together.
And, now they're living their life like each other's yin and yang. Balancing each other out, and reigning each other in.
Until, news is heard.
Good news.
Keith gets selected to tour Europe wi...
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(Kylie's POV)
Monday dawned loud and annoyingly with a bunch of people screaming in my ear.
"Wake up, Kylie! It's a school day!" Is what was shouted at me.
"Wake up, Kylie! It's a stupid day!" Is what I heard.
To say that I wasn't in the mood for school was an understatement, and when I realised that I wasn't going to see Ryder, or get dropped to school by Keith, I wanted to throw everyone out of my room and just cry.
But, I summoned all my will power and pulled my blanket away from myself before grabbing my clothes from my cupboard and went to get washed up and changed.
A black tank top, a black jacket, black jeans and a black pair of Oliver Cabells had me looking like the school pariah.
And thankfully- for them- everyone stayed away, except Naomi and her giggle goons, oh and two of those goons' boyfriends.
They all seemed hell bent on getting me to speak to them, and break my record of social reclusiveness.
I just ignored them.
Even when they thought tripping me was a smart idea. Ha. The idiot who attempted that found himself falling harder than I would have if I'd actually tripped over his goofy-sized feet.
The best part? No one could report me, because no one had seen me move.
But still, they refused to leave me alone. And when I didn't speak to them, they tried texting me... While they sat a bench away from me.
Finally, I'd had enough.
I agreed to their plans to go to the mall, and during the break, I called my mum to tell her. She was over the moon when she realised I was actually going out with friends, and she agreed immediately.
Well, at least that went in my favour.
As soon as I got home, I chucked my bag in my cupboard, and grabbed my wallet and keys. Then, I said goodbye to everyone and left to go join the giggle gang.
They picked me up in Naomi's SUV, and didn't even bother to wait until I'd closed the door before the gave the driver the all-clear to go.
Nevertheless, I shook it off. I was only going to be here for a small amount of time.
As the car slowed down, I put the finishing touches on my plan to get away from here. It was pretty simple, really. I had an overflowing wallet, and the giggle gang wanted to come shopping.
So, all I had to do, was pull Naomi away from the group, and begin with a smile.
"Hey..." I put on a coy blushing smile. "See, the thing is, I have to go meet... Someone."
I giggled and traced my fingers up Naomi's arm.
"And, my parents won't let me. So, if I go, will you tell?" I asked, purposely making myself sound like a five-year-old.
A smile with barely concealed curiosity graced Naomi's face.
"Not if I get something in return."
"Hmm? What would you like?"
"I don't know... Whatever you have."
Mentally, I burst out laughing.
What an idiot.
Could she honestly not see what I was doing?
I pretended to think for a moment, before pulling out my wallet and smacking 10,000 bucks onto her outstretched palm.
Even less than half of my hard-earned prize money- not that Naomi needed to know that.
Naomi's eyes widened greedily. No doubt, I'd just sponsored her entire shopping trip, but she still didn't look happy.
"500 more, and we have a deal."
Again, I pretended to be a bit hesistant so she wouldn't ask for more, before slowly handing her the money.
She hugged me as she pocketed it, and I smiled.
"Thank you so much, Kylie. You're a true friend."
She pulled away and touched my hair, probably thinking I couldn't see the malice dancing in her eyes. I knew she was going to squawk eventually, but for now I was safe. But just to cement my position, I leaned back in again.
"Open your mouth, and I'll tell everyone I saw you accepting a bribe." I waved my fingers in front of her face, smirking.
For a second fear flickered across her before she attempted to hide it.
"Open my mouth about what?"
Then, I smiled at her one last time before I turned around and walked back the way I came. Hailing a cab as I did so.