Chapter 20: Son vs Kira

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Son and Kira hit blades, sparks flying everywhere as each swordsman blocked the other's attacks and countered.

"You're strong. So, what is the name of your zanpakto?" Son asked in a not-so-pleasant manner. Kira just chuckled, "You might be strong. But if I realese my zanpakto, you will die to quickly."

Son just laughed. "Same to you. Last guy I killed was no problem for me to kill with one strike!" A huge, red pillar of spirit energy erupted from Son's body making Yuki fall to her knees by its pressure.

"I am Son Kurosaki. Who are you?" Kira just chuckled and said, "I am Kira, Espada number 1." Son looked at him in disbelief. "Shawn said he was Espada number 1."

This made Kira laugh, "He lied to you. If you had taken even the slightest look at his number, you would have seen he was using an illusion. He is actually the strongest of all of us! He is the legandary Epada number zero."

"Zero? How can that be?" Kira clicked his tongue, "Enough chit-chat. It's time we fight!" Son flash stepped faster than Kira could keep up and slashed his back making the Espada roar in pain. He then started to laugh, "Oh you're going to be so much fun to kill!" His eyes flashed and he moved at speeds Son had never seen before.

"What the hell is this!" He exclaimed as Kira moved faster than Son's eyes could keep up with. "You see why I'm Shawn's right hand man? Because I'm nearly as strong as him!"

Son sighed, "Damn, he hasn't released his zanpakto. But neither have I." Son swung his zanpakto around in the air and smirked. "You're funeral is here, and now!" His spirit energy sky rocketed making everyone in the soul society fall to their knees except Shawn, who just smirked. "So, he's finally fighting. Son Kurosaki."

"Burn, Flareo!" He said, releasing his zanpakto. "Oh such a big zanpakto, but tell me, even with its size, can it kill me?" Son smirked and raised his blade. "Kasai surasshu!" He slashed down his zanpkato, sending out a vertical wave of fire at Kira. Kira just sighed and pushed it away.

"Your flame isn't even hot to the touch." Son growled. "Damn it!"

Yuki looked at him and said, "Come on Son you can kick his ass!"

Son smirked, "You hear that Kira? Yuki believes in me! And if she believes in me! I can do anything!" He started to power up, his spirit energy sky rocketing once again, making it hard for even Kira to stand as he started to fall to a knee. "BANKAI!" Son yelled and entered his bankai form. "Meso Flareo!"

"So this is your bankai.." Kira laughed. "Guess I have release mine now!" He held out his blade and yelled, "Shi no Sutoraiki!"

The blade turned completely black, with a purple aura around it. "This is my Shi no Sutorakiki, or in english, Death Strike."

"Death strike..." Son said and he got ready. "You won't be able to defeat me now. Our spiritual pressure is at its max. This time we will fight to the death. No games. I'm going to enjoy killing you slowly." Kira said with an obnoxious smirk.

Son nodded and said bravely, "I won't lose to someone who tries to harm Yuki, or any of my comrades!" He got into the stance of the dragon, putting his blade behind him, ready to strike. Kira into the stance of the tiger, putting his blade infront of him as a defense. "Battle go!" 

The two clashed their blades together and backed away, both pushing their feet on a separate wall and coming back at each other till they were in the air.

Kira aimed a finger at Son and smiled darkly; "Cero." He said shooting out the blast, which Son dodged and punched him in the face.

He grabbed Kira by his collar and upper cut him hard. The Espada went sprawling against the hard ground. "I said I won't lose! You want to kill me? Then you have to try harder!"

Kira flash stepped out of his grasp and smirked.

"I'm just warming up!" He yelled and flash stepped faster than anyone Son has ever seen. Son then closed his eyes, remembering his training. He blocked Kira's next strike and counter attacked with his own, cutting the espada who growled.

"I can't believe you cut me in this form! It's impossible for someone like you!" Son smirked and flash stepped at him swinging his blade around faster than ever before. It took everything Kira had to block it and still wasn't enough. Son had cut him all over, but the Espada would not give up. He was relentless in his attacks back at Son, who got hit numerous times, bleeding badly.

"I never though I'd fight someone as strong as you." Son said and Kira smirked, "I never thought someone like you even existed, but if this is the extent of your power. I'm going to win."

Son and Kira clashed their blades once again, both unable to over power the other. "Damn it! How can you be so strong?" Son yelled. "I was about to ask the same thing to you!" Kira retorted and they both continued trying to overpower one another. Yuki thought for a moment then seen the fire in Son's eyes. She smiled knowing that when he had that fire, he was unmatched in power and stamina. "I won't lose!" He jumped back and looked at his hand. Kira smirked, "Guess it's time we end this little fight." Meanwhile while Kira was talking Son was having a fight within his self. 

"No I won't use you!" Son yelled as a white face appeared before him. His face with yellow eyes chuckled and smirked, "You want to save her... or don't you? Then let me fight! I promise you, you won't lose!" I want to fight using my own power!" Son growled but was being over powered.

Meanwhile in reality, Kira witnessed as a hallow mask started to form onto Son's face. "Oh my what's this?"

Yuki's eyes widened, "Son..." Son smirked and looked at Kira, "Now it's time to die!" He said in a weird voice, that of a creepy killer clown. Kira sighed and said, "So you are that weak aren't you, Son Kurosaki, to get took over by a hollow."

//Authors note: Sorry it took me so long to get this chapter to you guys. But I think the fight between Kira and Son was one that needed to be waited for. And the fun wont stop just this chapter! Next chapter watch as Son tries to fight not only himseld but Kira as well! Enjoy!

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