Chapter 8: The 2nd Exam. Enter James and Kenya

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Yuki woke up and quickly woke up Son telling him that they were going to be late to the 2nd exam. He quickly got up and grabbed his Zanpakto heading out the door. Yuki quickly did the same and followed him. They both flash stepped all the way to the training ground that they was meant to meet at.

Captain Kuchiki appeared behind them and asked, "Why are you two late?". Son looked back at his captain and asked in a sacastic tone; "Why are you late Captain?" He smiked.

"I had bussiness to make the final preperations on this exam. What is your excuse?" He said in a annoyed tone.


"We over slept is all Captain..." Yuki said looking down. Then two more Soul Reapers walked in. One had jet black hair and a smug look on his face. His eyes were emerald green, but his Zanpakto was no where near as big as Son or Yuki's. The other was a girl with blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Her Zanpakto was bigger than the boy's, but only slightly.

"James. Kenya. How nice of you to join us." Captain Kuchiki said to them. He walked up to the front of the group of soul reapers, and turned to face them.

"This exam will involve three member teams battling to retrieve their orb first. I will now announce said teams." He explained. He started to read off names till he got to Son's team.

"Team Nine; Son Kurosaki, Yuki Korishima, and Kenya Icefall." Yuki looked at Son with a bright smile, happy to be on his team. The Captain finished reading off the teams with James teaming up with two other Soul Reapers, who didn't look like much competition.

"The objective of this exam is to test your team work skills, and capture the orbs that are somewhere in the maze of this training ground. There is enough for each team to get one orb. The teams who have an orb, and make it back within 6 hours... pass."He explained.

"If you all understand then the exam begins now!" The captain said. Everyone quickly ran into the maze training ground looking for the orbs. 

Son's team looked for the orbs but didn't have much luck. "Damn, where are those orbs?" Son asked his team. "Maybe we could search them out? I mean like they are full of spirit energy aren't they?"

Son thought for a moment then looked at Yuki. "I think it could work." She said with a smile. Son nodded and sighed trying to sense the spirit energy. Ribbions surrounded him then he grabed one pulling it. It was attached to a box and once he opened that box, an orb came out. Son stopped and pointed to the northeast. "That way!" He said and started to run, Yuki and Kenya behind him. They came upon one and smirked ready to pick it up and head out. That was until a familar snobish voice called out to them;

 "Well, well, well, if it isn't Son and his little gang." James said with a smirk.

"This one's ours! Go get your own James!" Son yelled at the other soul reaper with a angered look in his eyes. James just chuckled as he pulled out his zanpakto.

"I can't wait 'til I defeat you. Son Kurosaki!" James then jumped at swung his blade at Son. Son dodged it by just a hair and pulled out his own Zanpakto. The two blades clashed, sending sparks off of them.

"Time for you to see why they call me the earth master!" James said and aimed his Zanpakto outward. "Crumble, Ziku!" James released his zanpakto and hsi spirit energy went rampent. Son just smirked and said,

"Burn, Flareo!" Son released his Zanpakto and his Spirit Energy rose to new heights. He knew he had gotten stronger, due to his training and he guarnteed him self that he would would win this fight. Meanwhile, Kenya and Yuki Were facing off agsinst James's team mates. One of them quickly picked up the orb and ran away with it while the other held the two girls off. They quickly finished him and chased after the one who took their orb, angry and annoyed. As that was happening, James's and Son's cleashing blades could be heard in the distance making everyone look around knowing that a big fight was raging on. Their blades sent out sparks as they collided and Son about had enough.

"I wanted to use this in the final exam but it seems I have no choice. Time to test this out in a real fight." Son charged up his spirit energy increasing dramatically. James stood still overwhelmed by the immense spirtual pressure Son was sending out. "Bankai!" Son yelled and he sunk into the ground making a huge crater. His sword was a ruby red, long, and skinny. His uniform changed as well, looking like a tattered red cape on the back. His uniform became fully red. He smirked and swung his blade. "Meso Flareo!" He said calling out his Bankai. Flames europted from him as he did so as well making James jump back in shock and fear.

"So you've achived Bankai..." He said with a small growl. Son just nodded and dashed at him sending wave after wave of flames.  James flash stepped and tried his best to fight against Son but soon failed. After a few minutes of battling James was on the ground clearly defeated by Son. Yuki and Kenya came back and showed Son they had the orb back. They smiled and Son reverted back to his orginal form almost passing out from using up his energy in one burst like that. Yuki and Kenya aided him and soon found themselves at the end of the maze training ground. There was a huge building, and Captain Kuchiki stood there waiting for them at it's gate. Kenya handed their Captain their orb and he examined it. "You three may go." He said and they quickly helped Son inside. They soon had him inside the infirmary getting healed and his energy back.

"You fought hard today." Captain Kuchiki told Son as he walked into the infirmay. "I only wanted to tell you congratulations on passing this exam, and making it this far in the squad. And learning Bankai, good work, it's a hard thing to master. I am giving the squad a few days of rest so you can be ready to fight in the third exam. I have already paired you up and there will be no exceptions... you are to fight Yuki Korishima. I wish you good luck." The Captain said and left.

Son look horrified at the idea of fighting his best friend. He felt a sudden pain in his chest but he knew it wasnt a heart attack. He knew that he was slowly falling in love with Yuki and fighting her, and ruining her chances of being 2nd seat would kill him. He laid their that night thinking of ways he could get out of the fight but knew how stubburn his Captain was. He sighed and fell asleep dreaming of Yuki that night. What he didn't know was that Yuki had come in later that night and curled up beside him on the bed falling asleep alongside him.

//Awe don't they make a cute couple? :). Well I own James, Kenya, and Son. FabulousAliya owns Yuki. All other characters belong to their rightful owners. The next few chapters are going to be more YukiXSon leading up to the 3rd exam. Will they have to fight and if so who will win? We'll find out after the next few chapters. Until then I just want to thank all of you for reading my stories and I want to thank my editor FabulousAliya for helping me with the grammar and spelling mistakes, and I have learned a thing or two from her. I also want to thank her for letting me use Yuki. I love you all and more stories are being updated so clear a day on your schedules so you can read my next chapter! ENJOY!

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