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Reader Recognition! I honestly love reading your comments: @Luarmen Thank you guys for reading and commenting ❤️❤️


I looked down at the vision, it's green glowing light reflecting on my face. "It's a wedding."

I was the bride and Camilo was the groom. The candle in both of our hands. Camilo looked over my shoulder. He smirked. "I guess I did get you in the end." He nudged my shoulder.

"How is this going to help the candle though?" I asked Mirabel. She shrugged. "Look at the other one." She placed it in front of us.

The second vision was no where near as positive as the first. Fires from torches of people on horses engulfed parts of the Encanto.

I took a step back from the desk. "This is why she wanted to run." I said plainly.

"We have to tell everyone..." Camilo added. Meeting my eyes.

"We can't. There's so much stress already and something like this could break Abuela." Mirabel hesitated. I've never seen her care about Abuela this much.

"But if we don't, people could die. Like Abuelo did." Camilo replied. His eyes filled with feeling. "And if it gets too late, there's nothing we can do. We have no gifts. We need to act now. I have to do something to fix the Miracle." He still doesn't forgive himself.

*Time Skip*

He walked up to Alma's door. A cold breeze blowing over us. I touched the cold handle and slowly turned. The A engraved in the middle slowly rotating.

She sat at the foot of her bed, her locket in her hands as if she's been there for hours. Dried tears on her face.

"Abuela..." Mirabel sat at her side, placing her hand on hers. "You won't like this." She leaned her head on her shoulder.

Camilo grabbed my hand nudging me on.

I hesitated as her pained eyes met mine, she gripped the locket tighter.

"Whatever you were running from, is coming. The horses and the torches and the flames, they're coming. We need to do something before they get here." Her face tensed.

"How do you know this." She began to stand. "Bruno said it wasn't true." She looked at Mirabel as she spoke.

"Where is he? Where did you find him?!" Mirabel panicked at the confrontation. "A painting, a painting Abuela."

Alma forced Mirabel to lead her to the painting that encased Bruno for all these years. Opening the "secret door", Alma stumbled in and we followed behind her.

Camilo sneezed as he dropped in behind us. His eyes widened and he looked at me. "I think I'm allergic to dust." He whispered and I giggled, he always knew how to make me laugh in times of panic.

We stumbled upon the gorge that we created on our first visit here.

"Is this even safe?" Alma asked. Looking down at the deep drop that she would face if she fell off of the plank.

Mirabel shrugged. "It's been "safe" for the two times we've gone across it."

Walking across, she was unable to keep her balance. And then she fell.

"AH." She shouted before she landed on her butt. A thud was made on the impact. She stood. The hole was only about 2 feet deep. She dusted herself off and climbed out. "Remind me when we get out of here to block this entire area off." Camilo stifled a laugh. I elbowed him.

She gave him a cold look. "Continue Mirabel. We need to hurry." She said readjusting herself.

As we finally reached the small door leading to Bruno's room, Mirabel took a breath before opening it.

"I thought I told you kids to stop coming down here. I'm not helping with anymore visions!" He took off his eye mask to see his mother standing above him. Her face cold.

"Ay dios mio..." he took the mask off completely and began to stand, facing her.

"You've been here this whole time?!" She yelled.

He looked over at us. "Who told her?" We didn't respond. Alma grabbed him by the ear. "You hid and watched our family struggle to protect the Miracle that we were losing? You coward!"

Hurt filled her voice. "You could have saved us." She released his ear.

All of Bruno's rats began to run towards the door, crowding and trampling over each other. Their squeaks filled the room. Alma jumped. "RATS." She spat as she walked further from the door.

Suddenly, we all felt what they were sensing. The basement was beginning to crumble.

The wooden planks above our heads slowly dropped the nails that were holding them in place. "We need to leave, now!" Bruno said pushing the door open as a wave of rats ran out. We exited the room while the final plank fell.

Bruno grabbed the tail of a rat that was almost crushed. We stopped taking a breath. Bruno turned back to look at his room that was destroyed. "Mi cuarto." He mumbled. "My stage, my chair, my blankets, my eye mask!" He wiped a fake tear. He turned to see Alma staring at him again.

But that wasn't the end. The long hallway of the tunnel began to crumble, too.

We ran faster than we ever thought we could. Escaping the cracking area and buying ourselves enough time.

We ran across the gorge, the walls around us began to grow numerous cracks along their surface. They dropped large and small chunks of brick. One landed on our custom bridge, cracking the old plank in half. I tripped into the not-so-deep hole beneath it. I'm doomed.

The breaking wooden rods above us began to catch up. They fell at quick rates. A wooden plank fell into the hole in front of me. The shock of its fall gave me a quick feeling of strength. I felt a sudden surge of power quickly run through my veins. Carefully looking up, the wood above us began to fall slowly.

Camilo looked up in astonishment but quickly refocused himself. He grabbed my arm and threw me on his back, catching up with everyone else.

"Hurry! I don't know how long this will last!" I yelled at everyone as we ran out, looking back up at the slow planks basically floating mid-air.

Me and Camilo were the last to leave. As we shut the painting, the room behind it collapsed fully. Dirt and dust blew out, leaving us with a pile of ash colored particles at our feet.

Struggling to breathe, we sat for a second. Sucking in as much air as we had lost in the run.

"(Y/N), you saved us." Mirabel breathed. Alma nodded in my direction. "Thank you."

I rested against Camilo's shoulder. He grabbed me by my waist and held me close.

"Thank you, 'Milo." He smiled. "We're almost even now." He laughed as he remembered how I saved him on the roof and saved us all in the tunnel.

"I shouldn't have been able to do that, since the candle was destroyed." I breathed into his ear. "It's like the miracle is here. Somehow, somewhere watching over us."

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