Chapter 9

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A/N this chapter takes place 2 weeks after the last chapter


April 15th, 2020

"Ugh mom do I have to go to school to go to school today" I pout.

"Ruby you have a math test and you're already failing, you can't miss this test".

"Fine" I growl walking out the door.

"Bye love, and happy birthday. "Thanks, mom!"

I check my phone to see if any of my friends have texted me yet. Nope, still nothing.

I walk into school hoping to see them, but they didn't even wait for me at the door, that's just low.

I walk up to my locker and put in the combination. Right when I open my locker confetti explodes in my face and the russos, harper and Zeke pop out behind me.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY RUBY!" they all scream whilst doing a group hug.

"Thank you! You guys are the worst though, seriously a confetti canon at 8:30 in the morning" I say deadpanned.

"Oh shut up you loved it" max replied ruffling my hair. Que the butterfly's

"Here I got this for you" he pulls out a small black box.

I open it to see a really pretty locket which looks like a book.

I open the locket to see a picture of me and max it was the first picture we ever took together.

"Max I love it," I say looking up at him." Thank you," I smile and give him a quick hug, then I put the locket around my neck. "I promise to were it every day".

"We all have presents for you two but we'll give them to you later" Justin points him, harper, Alex and Zeke.

"Aww, you guys didn't have to get me anything." 

" yeah, and you didn't stick your birthday wishlist up in every room in my house" Justin rolls his eyes at me.

"Yeah whatever I have a math test to take see y'all later" I wave walking away.

"Ugh, I probably failed that test" I whisper to myself as I walk out into the hallway.

"I'm sure you couldn't have done that bad" I hear a voice pipe up from beside me.

"Jeaden! What are you doing here don't you usually have chemistry this period?"

"Yeah, but my teacher had to take an emergency leave so we got out early. So I hear that it's a pretty girl's birthday today he smiles at me."

" really who's," I say raising an eyebrow

He rolls his eyes and pulls out a stuffed bear " happy birthday" he with a grin.

"Aww he's adorable, thank you" I smile.

"No problem birthday girl"

I contemplated whether or not I should invite him over to my party we haven't really talked much since the dance..."Hey I'm having a small party at the substation at around 6 you should come" 

"I'll be there" he salutes and walks away.


I'm doing my make-up in my room. I already finished my homework so it's around 5:25 right now. I finish my makeup by applying some lip gloss.
I then get up and get dressed

I slip on my shoes and walk out the door. My parents and siblings are all at the substation. They wanted to help set up but wouldn't let me see until the finished product.

I walk up to the substation doors and pull them open to see pink and black decorations.

( it was max my siblings and my dad who said ugly )

"Oh my. I am so shocked, wasn't expecting a part at all" I gasped sarcastically."Ruby what do you mean we talked about it yesterday?" Max asks confused, who I just noticed had dia in his arms.

"She knows that idiot, shes being sarcastic" Alex tells him.

"Ohhhh, yeah that makes more sense."

I shake my head laughing, and just then the substation doors open again. "Jeaden hey, you made it"


All the adults are currently upstairs while the rest of us stayed downstairs.

I'm currently opening presents, "Okay next up is this one." Justin hands me a present wrapped in pretty green wrapping paper.

"Ohh that one from me," jeaden says.

"Jeaden you didn't need to get me another present." I shake my head tearing the paper to see a rectangular box.

I take the lid off to see, a wand?

"You know because you're a wizard" jeaden laughs. The whole table goes quiet. "Pfft shes, shes not a, a wizard." Justin stuttered.

"It's a joke you know because her last name is potter," jeaden scratches his neck.

" hahaha right, obviously, because wizards aren't real" Alex forces her laugh.

I look at the box and It clicks in my mind. "
OH MY GOD, ITS THE ELDER WAND" I screech. "Jeaden these things are like 50 bucks dude what the hell."

"It's fine really. my mom is a collector and someone gifted this to her but she already had it so I thought I could give it to you cause I remembered seeing you wear a Harry Potter shirt once" he smiles.

"It's amazing" I gawked at the wand.

"Okay, now I know what you might be thinking." Max starts "that there is no way anyone could top this gift, but that's where you're wrong," he says pulling out a box... with wholes this cant be good.

" go on open it," he tells me.

If-if you insist." you laugh nervously taking the lid off and letting out a gasp,"You didn't," 

"Oh I did" he smirks. I take the small black kitten out of the box and hold in my arms, "Maxi I love" i check its bottom "her!" I exclaim.

"Told you I could top the wand," he says proudly.

now we're currently all playing with the kitten on the substation floor."Okay I have to think of a name for it," i say as i pet it.

"What about midnight," my brother says. "No that's too basic" I pout.

" how about Justin" Justin pipes up.


I look at the cat in its green eyes and it clicks," I've got it! I'm gonna call her Loki" I smile hugging my new baby.

"But loki's a dude's name?" Zeke says.

"So? she's a cat she doesn't care" I roll my eyes.

A/N this is just a filler chapter but I hope you liked it :)

Also if you don't like the outfits you can picture something else :)

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