Chapter 14

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A/n updating again because the last chapter sucked so bad 😭

Maxs POV

I stare at her as she swoons over the ring that Yoogni gave her. I feel a ping of jealousy I'm not sure if it's over her or him.

Either way, the look in her eyes makes my heart flutter. Ew. I raise my hand and push a strand of hair out of her face as we're walking.

She stops and looks at me. " what are you doing?" She questions me. " your hair was getting in your face." I laugh as I continue walking leaving her behind trying to act like I'm not blushing really hard.

I hear her footsteps speed up behind me until they match my pace.

Ruby's POV

My face flushes red as he walks away. My plan for getting over him really is out of the picture now. I sigh and catch up to him.

"You think that Justin's gonna be jealous that I got a ring from his bias." I laugh looking at the boy beside me

" Probably." He chuckled turn into an ally way and flash into the russos living room.

" hey what took you guys so long." Justin says from the couch

I pull out my phone and show him the pictures we took with bts a few moments prior.

He looks back and forth between the pictures and us." I hate my life. This isn't fair, first you guys get noticed at the concert and then you actually meet them." He cries.

" Yoongi even gave ruby his rin-" max started before the boy cut him off with another scream." WHAT! that's not fair Yoongi isn't even your bias taehyung is." He cried again.

" here you can look at it but keep your filthy hands off of it," I say holding up my hand to show him.

After I showed him the ring he chased me around the house to try and take it from me but before he could max put a sleeping spell on him.

" hey do you wanna just sleep over?" Max said sitting across from me.

" Sure but I need some clothes," I say looking down at the dress I'm wearing.

" uh here." He says getting up and tossing me a pair of sweats and a spiderman T-shirt.

" Thanks," I say getting up and heading to the bathroom to change. I walk back into the room to see max shirtless, Shit. My face heats up and he turns around.

" sorry!" I yell before shutting the door. I hear him laughing from behind the door," you can come in now" his head speaks out from the room.

I walk into the room and get onto the bottom bunk of his bed." there better not be any rodents in this bed." I mumble pulling the covers over me.

" don't worry I cleaned my room yesterday." He laughs getting on the top bunk."good" I yawn.

" goodnight ruby, love you."

" y-yeah love you too." I stutter. Why is getting so hard to say that to him I used to say it all the time? I guess now it means something else to me. I close my eyes and let myself drift off into sleep.

I'm awoken by the sound of Mrs. Russo yelling that breakfast is ready. I sigh and get out of bed and slip into the bathroom.

I walk back into the room to see max still asleep. " max gets up, breakfast is ready." I shake him.

He doesn't budge. I climb up the ladder and stare at his face "max," I say again and get no response. I stare at him and take in his features.

My eyes go from his face to his lips. 
" what are you looking at?" His voice startles me and I fall off the ladder.

" max you, idiot, you scared me" I groan getting off the floor.

"that's your fault you didn't notice me wake up because you were too busy day dreaming about kissing me." He smirks climbing down the ladder.

" wha- I was not daydreaming about kissing you, you freak." I lie

" yeah sure, you weren't, " he says walking out of the room.

" I WASN'T" I yell.

I walk down the stairs and the smell of pancakes hit my nose. " oh good morning ruby i didn't know you stayed the night, how was the concert." Mrs Russo says from behind the counter.

" good morning Mrs. Russo. And the concert was amazing me and max got put on the screen and then we ran into bts at the ice cream shop and yoongi gave me his ring!" I say excitedly 

" a ring which she doesn't deserve," Justin says bitterly from the table and I stick my tongue out at him.

" Justin stop being so jealous as if he would've given your ugly ass the ring," Alex says from beside him. And they start bickering as I sit down at the table and put some food on my plate.

" max nice of you to join us, sit down and eat and then head downstairs your shift starts in 20 minutes," Mrs Russo says.

Okay, this chapter is really short but I think it's better than the last chapter so yeah.

 Don't forget to vote :)

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