Chapter 16

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A/n this is gonna be based on the move-on episode but I'm too lazy to go and check the actual line so it's just gonna be by memory

3rd pov

" did you check the bill I gave you?" The blonde asked Justin. " yeah you gave me a twenty and I gave you your change." He responded.

" well if you look closely you'll see I wrote my number down in the bill." She said flirting with him.

" you know purposely damaging federal money is a crime?"

You sigh turning back to your notebook, writing down another tally mark for how many girls Justin has rejected so far today.

" That's 7 already" you mumble chewing on a fry.

" ugh! Justin what are you doing." Alex groans at her brother." what do you mean?"

" that girl was totally into you and she's way out of your league, and you rejected her? That's like the 5th girl today."

" 7th actually I've been keeping a tally." You said holding up your notebook.

" whatever it doesn't matter, look I'm still not ready to date yet after what happened to Juliet, okay? I know I've had other girlfriends before but Juliet was special, and I'll never see her again." He said tearing up and walking into the kitchen

" This is getting depressing just watching him cry over Juliet all the time, he really needs to move on." Harper sighs looking at Justin crying through the kitchen window.

" yeah, if only we had a way where Juliet could personally tell him to move on or something."  You say sitting down on the stool.

" that's it!" Harper exclaims. " one of you guys can turn me into Juliet, so I can reject justin and he can finally move on."

" you know, that's actually not a bad  idea." You add-in.

So here we are, Alex and i are standing by the stairsteps watching "Juliet" talk to Justin. It seemed to be going well up until Justin started screaming, " JULIET IS BACK, JULIET IS BACK!" Up and down the street Waverly place.

" Harper! You were supposed to make him move on, what happened?!" You shout." I know I know I'm sorry. It's just he was so excited and he asked me out on a date and I couldn't say no."

" Harper now i have to do more work than i was supposed to." Alex whines.

She then turns to me giving me puppy dog eyes. " hell no. You guys are on your own now, have fun." You said waving them off and walking back into the substation where Justin is still screaming about Juliet to random strangers.

After that whole fiasco went down and after max got his stupid shirt backpack thingy from harper we made our way upstairs.

" did you hear the new bts songs?" Max asked as we sit down on his bed.

" YES. oh my god, run bts is literally so fucking good. I could listen to it for hours, " You whine.

"you're cute when you fan girl," he whispered but loud enough for me to hear him." What?" You say looking at him with wide eyes.

" I said that your cute when you fan girl." He smirked and got up off the bed.

" wh- don't walk away, what do you mean I'm cute- i-," you stutter out with a red face.

" I have to pack my stuff for camping," he said walking out of the room leaving me standing there flustered.You slap your face lightly with both hands, " ugh what is he doing to me"

Me and alex are currently sitting on a canoe cause she forced me to come with her to spy on Justin and harper.

" oh my god, Justin just kissed harper on the cheek, Ewww." Alex made a disgusted face as she looked through the binoculars.

" I still don't get why I had to come with" you sigh" Because I said so."

" is that max hanging from a tree?" You said seeing a figure dangling." yep"" I told him the backpack shirt was a stupid idea." You snort.

End of chapter

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