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MARCH, 2023

If Jungkook is being totally honest, he never gets used to the screaming.

He's had screamers in the past; it sort of comes with the job description, when you're a superhuman being with dark eyes, seven-foot wings, and a penchant for arriving at precisely the most inopportune moment. But still, this isn't exactly how he envisioned his glorious return to Earth playing out. 

Then again, he probably shouldn't have shown up in her bathroom at two in the morning.

Behind the frozen human, Jungkook catches sight of himself in the mirror. He looks the same as he always does in his human form; black pinstripe suit, styled black hair, piercing in his lower right lip and the row of studs in his ear. It's all so familiar. And yet it still gives him a slight shock, seeing himself look so mortal.

It's been a very long time since he was on Earth.

Here we go again, Jungkook thinks, in the deafening seconds that the human continues to scream. One last soul.

He just hopes Archangel Namjoon knows what he's doing. Jungkook has always looked up to his mentor, but this last briefing is one of the only times he's seen him look anything less than collected and sure of himself. 

"Back to Earth?" he'd repeated, when he'd spoken to Namjoon in Heaven about his latest mission. "For who? I haven't received any signs that any of my humans need angelic intervention."

Namjoon's brow had creased downwards in uncertainty. "Really?" he'd asked, brow creasing more when Jungkook confirmed this. "Well, that is odd. I thought you, at least, would have sensed..."

He'd trailed off, and an unsettled feeling had lodged in Jungkook's core, which remains there now. If one of his humans is in distress, why can't he feel it? Admittedly, he normally only responds if the situation is dire; even so, he hasn't had so much of an inkling about any of the humans he protects in months. 

From the look on Namjoon's face earlier, Jungkook senses there is trouble. Trouble, in heaven, is never a good sign.

"I don't know why she's on the list," Namjoon had finally revealed a few hours ago. "I've looked through the details. She's not anywhere near desperate enough for an angel to go down and help."

Jungkook had nodded, remembering the human in question. "She had her heart broken a few months ago, right?"

"Yes. I realise you guided her through that indirectly, and though she is still hurting it doesn't strike me as anything life-threatening," Namjoon had continued. The divot between his brows had been deeper than ever. "Look, Jungkook, I know this case is important for you. If anything should go wrong-"

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