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A/N: Hey guys! So, enjoy more of prom night with our guys!

And I'm really hyper as I'm writing this, so if anything weird or random happens, that's why! :)

That's also why this chapter is un-betaed. Any mistakes are mine alone.

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight, or its characters, just like playing with them.


The crowd cheered and hollered as we took our final bows as a band and ran out. Edward was all sweaty and sticky from the hot lights onstage, but I didn't care. I hugged him anyway, and I felt damned proud of the both of us! I hugged the rest of our bandmates too, proud and happy that we'd all done an amazing first live show.

The whole time was spectacular, until I saw Tanya and Jake making out in the back of the crowd.

I glanced at them angrily, then turned away quickly.

"Um, Edward, you're really sweaty, can you go get a towel or something?" I asked him, turning him around and pushing him away to backstage.

"Yeah, ok. You ok?" he asked.

"Yeah, fine. Just go! Now!" I almost shouted, then pushed him back.

He looked surprised at my voice, but left. Good, he didn't see anything. Now to deal with my so-called date and his...I didn't even know what to call her anymore, I was so mad.

I turned and paced to Tanya and Jake, who by the way were still making out! I smacked Jake in the back of his head, and he yelled in shock and turned around.

"Oh, hey, come back for more, I see," he tried to wrap his arm around my shoulder, but I pulled away before he could get to me.

"Wow, are you serious?! You're serious, right? The universe isn't screwing with me again?" I retorted angrily. "You can't get in my pants, but you try to get in this hoe's pants instead?" I gestured to Tanya, the hoe. Because that was what she was, a hoe. She didn't care for Edward, or his band, or his success, just wanted him as a trophy boyfriend and that was just sick.

"Hoe? Who you calling a hoe, hoe?" Tanya spat in my face.

"You, hoe! You obviously don't care about Edward-"

"Bitch, you don't know what I care about, bitch!"

"Don't call me a bitch, bitch! You came with Edward and you're here making out-"

"You don't like him anyway, dumbass bitch! You only brought him to make MY MAN jealous-"

"YOUR man? He's suddenly your man again! Oh hallelujah, you've finally seen the light!"

"Yeah, hallelujah is right! Why do you even care?!"

That stopped me. "What?"

Tanya stood her ground, and that's when I noticed that the whole senior class was surrounding us. I found my sisters, Em, Jasper, and Angela. But no Edward. I suddenly felt very self-conscious.

"Why do you even care?" the hoe asked again, more antagonizing this time. "Why do you even care who Edward is with, unless you like him or something."

"Shut up!" I cried, tears springing in my eyes, blurring my vision.

"No, wait," she laughed," you don't just like him, you-"

"Tanya! Stop!" I jumped at Edward's voice behind me, and I saw him walk past me in front of her. "Why are you doing this, here of all places?"

"Oh, I'm just trying to put your little friend," she sneered at me, "here in her place, showing her where she stands! Because she loves someone she'll NEVER have!" She screamed for the whole world to hear.

And that's when I ran. I tripped and fell a few times, avoiding all of the stares and whispers that came my way. Hot, stinging tears clouded my vision, but I couldn't stop until I finally reached the girls' bathroom. I tripped on my feet and landed hard on the floor. I caught scents of pee, sweat, and dirt, but I didn't care. I just crawled into the nearest stall and locked the door, hoping and praying that no one would find me because I didn't want to be found.

I heard the thick bass of the dance music through the floor of the stall, so that deterred my chances of wanting to sleep here for a while.

I really didn't think I could hate anyone, until Tanya. Just thinking about her set my teeth on edge and caused more tears to flow down my face. I hated her for ruining my prom night; I hated her for what she was doing to such an amazing guy; I hated her for just...being her.

I guessed that was it, wasn't it? Why she was out to get me all the time, because we were totally different. But she was right on one thing: I loved someone I was never going to have.

A/N: Dang, poor Bella :( And those quotes "Who you calling hoe, hoe?" "You, hoe!" lol Yeah, those are from the movie Malibu's Most Wanted! Best movie, IMO!

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