chapter 31

99 16 4

His jewel❤

5 years later.

The little string you pulled earlier was amazing ,
I have to say"
Prosecutor Aysha Aminu Ismail ,
But you have to be careful because that very look the depend lawyer gave you was scary ,
Erggg it gave me chill "
I mean who wouldn't gave you that scary look being in that position?
I had been there ,
It ain't fun trust me "

I smirked and looked at barrister junaid who is always kvetching around me and prodding his nose all over my business "
He's always on my nerves"

Well you see barrister junaid i wouldn't have been at the place I am today had it been I care and mind those scary looks ,
I am a prosecutor who decide whether to charge a person with a crime and tries to prove his guilt "
Only if that person is really guilty of course "
I will never allow the innocents to be wronged,I sworn and pledge to be fair in everything I do while being In the service '.
And I swear I will stick to the truth and nothing but the truth now if you'll excuse me "

With that I left the court room excited ,
I'm so happy to get the victim the justice he deserved ,
We had been on this case for 3 months now ,
I don't know why the rich people thought that bribing a lawyer is okay as far as they will fight for them to be free no matter what crime they committed "

This rich kid killed a man and sadly his lawyer made a story of how the rich kid killed the man out of self defence ,
And all the witness point at him being the murderer ,
I can't wipe up the look that was well stuck at the deceased's wife's face when I was questioning her "
That of "I'm sure we ain't gonna get justice in this world of the rich "

My aims as a prosecutor will always be to protect the innocent and convict the guilty .

*It had been five years already and everything was like it was years back ,
Me at the other hand minding my business and ya Ahmad with his two sweethearts always giving him the painful headache ever ,
The only thing that change was the addition of drama .
Either they fought because he caught one of them having an affair and it will only end up with a fight and that's all "life goes on, or over afif '

Yes afif"
My five years old handsome sweetheart ,
Ya ahmad is obsessed with him ,
He wants a child to call his now but non of his sweetheart is able to give him one,
And I call that karma "
The funny thing is that he is always taking them for a check up and the answer is always one '
They are all okay "

All I did over that was laugh "
I laugh while eating my popcorn and enjoying the view,
I did all I could to build a heavy iron wall between him and afif '

But still I can't totally break the bond and the connection no matter what I do"

AFif once asked me"
Mom is it true that i don't have a father ,
I'm I really a bastard ?
Beside mom What Is the meaning of bastard ,
Can't I call uncle Ahmad father ?

I found my self in a daze "
I knew that day will surely come "

Who called you a bastard and who told you that you don't have a father '
I asked "

He pouted his lips so cutely and said "
Scary aunt and aunt Mariya always call me that "
Scary aunt ,that's what he call faiza"

I really don't know how to make those two bitches stay on their lane '

I hold his hands and faked a smile "
The bastard word really Do use to hurt me "
Listen here sweetie ,you have a father,
Every person you see breathing on earth have a father "
Alive or dead " "
Sadly sweetie you fall into the fatherless category"
Your dad passed away 2 weeks when I got pregnant with you ".
Bastard mean some one who was born out of wedlock
And sweetie I swear you ain't a bastard ,
You see your two aunties are suffering from "unnecessary mouth running disease "
So do not mind them rather pray for them like I always thought you "

He smile widely and said" yes mom "

Life always favored me "
I finished school successfully and Alhamdulilah I came out with a good result and fortunately Abba used his connections to got me and my dear friend shafiah employed "
That's my country for you,
You had to use that connection at times "

I walked down to the court big parking lodge to pick my car "
Hajiya " hajiya "
Was that for me "
Giggles "
I turned around to see who was referring me aysha as hajiya"
It was the deceased's wife and a little kid of five "obviously"
He remind me of my afif"
Sadly the little boy was forced to be an orphan at this little age of his ,
This world ''.
God forgive us "

I took up my white medicated glasses and smile at them ,
"Hajiya thank you very much,
We can't pay you back for what you did to us it mean a lot ,at least my husband won't die in vain ,
Mungode "

I brushed my fingers on the little kid's hair and smile "
You don't have to thank me ma"
I did what every prosecutor is supposed to do "

Not all hajiya "
She said "
we are now in the time of rich and bribe ,people like you are rare to find i just pray that this field would be occupied with people who think like you ,
May Allah reward you with jannah "

Ameen I answered "
How old is he "

He's five "

I guessed right, he's just like my little kid,
What's his name?

Muhammad "

I smiled and looked at muhammad "
What class are you "

I don't go to school he replied shyly playing with his foot "

Do you want to go to school I asked still caressing my fingers on his hair "

Yes I like school "
My friend umar always say that I am of poor birth and school doesn't suit someone like me '
And I use to tell father about it and he promised me that I will start going to school soon "
He replied with his childish voice"

Oh Allah who poisoned little umar's mind at this young age "
I asked my self "

So dear muhammad how about I enroll you..

Yeaaa he started jumping while the mother pulled him gently "
Are we safe "
She's asked "
And he pout his little cute mouth "

Hajiya you don't have to trouble yourself with our issues ,you've done alot for us ,
Beside he is only five "

I smiled and said malama talatu my child is five and he's already in nursery 3"
So please let me ,
Allow me to fulfill this helpless child wishes I insist and no but please"
Grab the chance "

I looked at muhammad again and said muhammad I will got you admitted to school but only if you promise me and mom to be a good boy and study hard "

I will study hard aunt lawyer and I promise to do good and study hard because I want to grow up quickly so that I can fly planes and I want to take mom high up the sky "

awwn sweet kid "
What about aunt lawyer"

Yes I will take you in place of daddy because mommy told me that my daddy is in heaven and I won't see him again until I do good and became a good child"

That's amazing then I will take daddy's place but make sure you include daddy in your prayers so that he will get all the good things in the heaven "
Okay little pilot

Malama talatu i will give you a call on Monday meet me at the court room ,
Its time for me to go home I know Afif is long back from school "

Thank you very much hajiya may Allah take you away from the evil eyes "

Bye little muhammad "

Bye aunt lawyer ""

Not edited "

In dedication to ameeiyrah87

Chu chu jay✔

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