Chapter 17

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His jewel🦄
Amarya do you really use to take a good look of yourself in the mirror,
Omg I mean you look beautiful and fresh wallahi, what's the secret, omg I want to look like you when I grow up(when she gets married) ya Ahmad really knows how to take care of you, I'm happy wallahi and it seems we are blessed right!
Omg I can't wait to be a mother.

I smile, how wish that was true , I said that in my thoughts, but nah
Ya Ahmad changed completely!
I don't know him anymore!

I sipped from my cup of Apple pear ginger juice,
Just eat and we will talk about all that later my dear chuchu, I'm sure you're tired and hungry and you really don't know the efforts I put on that food,

Oh she smiled, I can see why you left me all alone and went to the kitchen and much more rejecting my help, but guess what beb, your cooking never change, you're still the best cook I've ever came across, yummmmm

I laugh hard because of how she said the yummmmmm, chuchu you've not change either, your humor is a real vibe, I really miss us , so now how was LA and why are you back?

She took a spoon of her food and yumm again, "what do you expect, I miss your wedding so I step On a chance someone threw at me, thinking he is wiser than me, the idiot didn't realize how much I missed home,
He was assigned on a duty here in Nigeria
then the bastard did some tricks so I can be away for his personal foolish interest, I really don't fucking know why journalist have to be among the bribed one's, anyways I haven't see our dear ango, where Is he?

my mood suddenly change, chuchu's appearance made me forget that something was wrong with me, I was happy a min back until she mentioned him, I suddenly remembered what I'm into "he will be back anytime soon from now "I faked a smile

I smell a rat "I've been observing you Aysha, when ever I mentioned Ahmad your face changed and nothing comes to view but sadness, will you stop that run and hide?,

I know something most be off with all the fake smiles and shit, now you tell me what the actual hell is wrong with you?

I wipe my mouth with a tissue and smile, the bitter smile, okay certified yar jarida you got me, now let's go inside and i will tell you everything!

Everything she said while sitting on my bed side,
Yes everything I curt!

Well actually im pregnant!

I knew it she shouted happily slapping my laps,!

Och I whimper  "what the fuck chuchu it hurts!

Oh God I know right it hurts, that's my way of expressing happiness , now tell me something, how did your being pregnant affect your happiness , I mean you don't look like someone who is happy about the fact that you are pregnant,
ohh she gasped!
Don't tell me you're among those dumb stupid people who dislike the idea of early pregnancy huh!,

No I cried,  it wasn't me but him ",

What the fuck?  she shivered

Yes chuchu ya Ahmad changed and I don't know who to share my problems with I mean we just got married, not even a month, I don't dare to tell anyone about this not my parent or any elder,

So now get straight to the fucking point aysha I'm eager to know the whole details, what's going on actually,

God her temper "

Well,!  When he found out about the pregnancy he wasn't happy at all and he insist that we abort it, he said he don't want a child now because the child will disturb our love life, so we have to abort it,
because he ain't Planning on having a child now,.

that's what we are on,

And do you know what hurts me more, he been giving me contraceptive pills since before we tie knot, he used my period cramps against me, you know me best, I hate pills so I only took them once, I hate the smell so I decided not to take it anymore,
He went so low to gave them to me on our first night, but I refused to take it without him knowing,
It hurts me to know this, my heart hurts, its bleeding I really need help chuchu I'm in real big trouble, I acted brave but I ain't, I'm scared of what ya Ahmad is capable of doing, I rue how we rushed things, I regretted it , I cried loud, what I've been wanting to do since" finally"

Why is God doing this to me, why me chuchu? What have I done wrong_
She quickly shut me up with her palm, she was in tears too, "
Don't say that aysha, say astagfurillah, seek Allah's forgiveness for saying that"

I did what she said silently when I realized what I just said,

You have no place to say that to Allah no matter what situation you're in, Ayush, he sees, he knows and he'll fixed it, that's your test, and he test only a Good Muslim, so I pray you glide by,  endure, bear, you can do it,I have faith in you,

You're pregnant do not let all this fuss beat you down , you did what was right, and I know even Abba and mama will be proud of you, don't bother getting ya Ahmad forcefully to your side,
With time he'll understand what you did for both of you,
Stop exchanging words with him, after all he is your husband, and you're meant to follow him as far as it does not step Allah's boundaries, something like current situation,
Let him be, just focus on chasing your dreams, your goals and your baby, that's All that matter, the world will serve him right,
Now wipe your tears, everything is gonna be okay?
You have the soul of a fighter and I knew you have the strength to fight anything that life throws your way,
Add more fuel to your prayers, I'm with you and I will always be with you no matter what.

I expunge my tears and hug her, "I i,I I never bemoaned sharing my problems with you, you are a good listener, I feels mitigated now that I shared my problem with someone,
Thank you very much chuchu for understanding me, thank you for putting me on the right path, what should I have do without?

She smile and scrunch her nose in a teasing manner,"oh no bebs I'm flattered, though I'm always this trig "she bragged quirking a mocking eyebrows "

Get the fuck out miss smartass I said and we laugh in unison,
That's chuchu soulful and passionate she's blunt at times and can be stubborn as a bull
Especially when standing for her loved one's, she feels everything deeply, she never judge, because she didn't judge ya Ahmad, although she wasn't happy with all he did!
A friend anyone will ask for!

Not professionally edited!
Bear with the typos.
In dedication to ameeiyrah87


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