Chapter 15

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His jewel🦄

Dr umar I seriously don't understand the hell you're saying,
I mean did you just said my wife is pregnant?
How can that be possible?
No, no, I guess you're confused or you mistook someone's result as her's,
But I'm very sure, that my wife can't be pregnant for now.,

Dr umar removed his glasses and look at him then sigh and said" Ahmad we  never make such mistakes in this hospital, our patients health comes first, so we make sure we are very careful when dealing with what concerns them, so the hell I was saying minutes ago wasn't a mistake, "your wife is two weeks pregnant and had it been I knew, I could have say you've got her pregnant  through illegal way, I mean how could you be sad because your legal wife is pregnant for you, that's lame, but if you're not satisfied with the result and still contemplating , I bet you knew a lot of hospitals in the city, have a nice day i have patients to attend to.

And yea make sure you close the door when you're leaving.,
He looked at me and smile "I wish you and the baby a healthy life, with that he exit!

What the fuck, ya ahmad barked and hit the table, did umar just walk out on me, how dare he Haan?

Why won't he walk out on you fisabillilah,  when you just acted in the illiterates way minute ago,
And why the hell shouldn't I be pregnant, did I ever told you that I'm infertility, what's wrong, I don't understand, I barked back!

He looked at me fiercely "Aisha! Did you by any chance call me an illiterate?, wait when did you grew that liver of talking back to me,? Okay I'll show you more of my illiteracy, I thought it was me who impregnated you right?
Okay i don't want a baby now, but it seems you betrayed me
, if not how could you be damn pregnant,?

We are going to abort it today, not tomorrow, he retorted,
And drag me towards the door,.

I use all I've got and vigorously jerk my hand away.
He turns around to drag me again, but inauspiciously my five fingers greeted his cheek,
Before I know, those warm waters started kicking from my eyes,
"I'll do anything you asked for expect  turning against Allah, stop being a git Ahmad, because ko Zaka mutu(even if you'll die) I ain't aborting this baby, on God I repeat that again, so cut that stupid thoughts from your damn skull, I'm never going to help you commit sin"I blatantly declared!

His hand was still on the right cheek I slapped tf, it appeared more that he wasn't out of the shock,

I hissed and walk out of the office!

I called on uber without knowing where to go, I was doubting on going back to ya Ahmad's house at first, then my instinct reminds  me not to back off, So I head there!

Why we actually went to the doctor was that, I've been purging non stop, I threw away everything  I ate, he was so worried that I thought was love, he couldn't wait the next day so he took me to his friend who is his doctor, Dr umar, I never thought he doesn't love me, yes I can't  find the love, I thought newlyweds use to be damn happy about their first pregnancy, but why me?
Why was he sad and angry because I'm pregnant, why did he wanna kill the baby,
I thought we are married,

or was it lust from the start, did he  confused love and lust?
I can't see love, all I saw back there was a monster,
A real human acting all illiterate as if he never took any Islamic class! 

I'm doomed!
I'm doomed!
Do we really rush things without figuring the bad side of us,?

No its too early to regret, I'm sure he'll learn to accept the pregnancy , we didn't committed adultery yea, maybe he's just tired of all the office work which now  makes him be thinking negative,
He love me and I'm sure he'll love anything that comes from me, I guess he need a little rest for him to reconsider.,

He wasn't back, so I took that opportunity and made his favorite food, I shower and put on his favorite among my clothes, I did a little touch, not too casual neither too occasional,
I finish everything by 3:30 and foolishly sit waiting for him !

Tick,  Tick,  Tick,  Tick , 4,5,6,7 8 he wasn't home,
I got tired of waiting and gave out the food,9 o'clock I started getting more pissed, 10 o'clock, I was beyond mad that I took off the clothes and clean my makeup, 11 o clock, i was so stupid to accept the fact that he love me and he'll come home for me, after the stupid stunt he puts on during the day! 

I woke up earlier than i use to today, and to my surprise, ya Ahmad wasn't in!.
Which means he spends the night out,!
Wow what a man!
I checked the compound, but his car wasn't there, and that cuts all my doubt's, he slept outside!
I made pancakes for one and hot coffee, I topped it with jam and munched , I think its high time I forget everything and start taking care of myself and the baby,!

I finished my regular house routine earlier than I use to,.
I shower and got dressed then powered on the tv to watch my favorite zeeworld series, Ganga, its about time.,

Atleast I can't kill my self over a betrayer and I'm ready to fight him to the very end, I won't chuck up the sponge, nah I refuse!

I heard him parked his car, I would lie if I say me heart didn't beat loud, I did my very best to concentrate on the movie, but I couldn't, I don't even understand the movie no more,
I just want this one man to come into this house, hug me and tell me it was a frank, we ain't in the month of April, I should have think that I'm one April fool!

His sallama jolt me out of my trance, waalaikas salam, I answered, without sparing a look not because  I don't want to, but because I'm sacred of seeing those scary eyes he borrowed,

He walks toward the stairs without spitting a word, which I'm glad,

30 minutes later, he comes down in his jallaba which means he showered, his fresh  cologne assure me,
He sits next to me then sigh "
Jewel we need to talk!

I turned around to make sure the jewel was meant for me, and yes it was,
"What's left that we haven't talked about yesterday, ya Ahmad?

He cleared his throat, well, actually the thing is that,  I'm really not ready for a baby, God knows I don't want a gooseberry, I don't want a child to come in between our love, I mean if we keep the baby now, then I have to share you, I love you jewel, I really don't wanna share you, not this time, we just got married for God sake baby, please lets abort it okay?I planned to have you for my self Alone for at least five years, I'll get you pregnant by then and you'll be the one to choose the amount we will give birth to.

Where is the man I married, where is that sweet man I got married to weeks back, I asked my self, the one right In front of me ain't him, he ain't the one, the ya ahmad I knew will never ask me of this rubbish, he'll never try committing this kinda great sin,
I wipe my tears, I sight beacon, I clearly saw the signal, and there is no way on earth that I'm letting my self and my kid got burn because of love,  his stupid sugarcoat words won't get me, not now, not ever!

I'm not agreeing to this,.  I curt!
And please I don't wanna talk about this again.,

With that I approach the stairs but, he said something that stabbed me right in the heart so deep, so i halt almost falling! wTF!

Not professionally edited!
Cliff hang, ikr!
In dedication to ameeiyrah87

Xo chu²

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