chapter 24

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His jewel💍
I'm sorry about what i said the other day "he carved the silent"

I smiled and sipped my smoothies ,
"Was that why you scared off shafiah ?
Poor hungry woman" she has to leave in a rush thinking you stepped on a bonfire ,
I laugh "
Seriously "do you feel how you said the "we need to talk word ?

You sounded like someone who's related to me beat you up so badly that i have to expiate his sins  "

...and beside what you said did not make sense
I mean you can't marry me when your brother is still alive and I know you said it out of ire" we good dude"

Getting married to fareed?
I laughed hard for the second time ,
That was incongruous and ridiculous don't you think?
...I mean who'll control who?
I might beat the hell out of you when you pissed me up"

And now he laughed so hard to it pointing a finger at me ,
You!!? beat me the mighty fareed up ,nah! no way"
Pooh it ain't Gonna happen"
anyways now I come with a suggestions that'll end all your problems ,likely"

Uhum spit it out ,"I said giving him my outmost interest"

Let's tell mom the whole situation between you and ya ahmad I'm sure she won't support him not especially when she learned about the pregnancy part ,what do you say?

I disagree!!,

This ain't gonna happen,besides let's not talk about this again,no"
That's the last thing I'll do ,i can manage I'm good with everything,

First "
I'm doing good at school,and the hard thing is to start then the end won't be as hard as the beginning"

I have enough money to take care of my child in the meantime before I finished school and hunt for the job"
I had planned every bit and with time this issue will die as if it never occurred".

I don't need a man to take care of my child
"Man "?
Especially not ya Ahmad and when I settled down "one day"
One day"
I'll move out of the house when i become independent"
I don't wanna trouble anyone fareed so please don't tell aunty hafsat any of this,
I beg you"
Let it be our little secret this is the least you could do for me"

He twirled the pen that shafiah left in between his fingers,
Then he let it go almost instantly,"
He smirked "
I don't wanna do this ,but you're pushing me to "
You have to choose ,either you come with me to mom and tell her about the situation or from here I will drive my way to katsina and you know what will be the result better than any one"
He said"

I licked my lips and scrunched my nose "
Are you trying to blackmail me?
I asked somehow scared "

If you think its a blackmail then its okay ,after all I'm doing it for your own Good"
Now think wisely,
Mom might repair everything accordingly without anyone finding out,
she gave birth to him"

But I'm not sure of what mama and abba will do when they find out how their one and only daughter is being treated poorly and lowly "

What's really going to happen after that ?
I guess....

Okay I agree "
I will tell mom about it "
I cut him"
I will tell her everything ,cut the crap and don't you ever blackmail me again"

I jerked up"
he smiled and picked his car key and phone "
After you"

We met mariya's mom at the house.,
I greeted them both but only aunty Hafsat answered and somehow not painstaking "
Not like her"

A sick feeling brewed within me when she said "fareed walk her to the guest room I'll be there when I'm done here "

Guest room"for real?

I sat down on a Davenport when we reached the guest room,
I took in a deep breath and smile "
She was busy "obviously"it ain't something"
I comforted my self "

Mom most be dealing with something business related ,I guess that's why she sent you here ,I know "
Fareed injected "

"Manifestly "
I will wait ,its not like someone is waiting for me at home,I have nothing to do,I replied nonchalantly

He gave me a fake smile and sat next to me"

Do you think telling mom is a good idea ,I asked from nowhere "

He sigh "
Aysha we are talking about my mother ,i know her best and i know just how much she feels about you"
She so much love you and just because she gave birth to ya ahmad doesn't mean she will have his back when he's at the wrong"

That's true I said ,but deep down I'm having this weird feelings "

After she took like forever now she come in view ,
What's going on with the both of you ,hope I'm safe
She asked whilst taking a sit "

Fareed calmly narrated everything that happened to her including the fight that occurred the other day"

She was silent for a moment and i cant put down her expression in a word because i couldn't get any ,her face was plain"

I'm very disappointed in you fareed "she began"
Why did you fight with your brother when he's no way near the wrong"

Mom!!!! he complained"

Yes she injected "
Ahmad was right in anyways ,
Yes "she turns to me ,why did you disregarded his instructions in the first place,
That's the biggest problem with you 21st centuries girls ,you don't take your husbands words serious,you always considered it not trifling ,

I don't want to have a child now"
Whats so hard in following this simple instruction"
He's the father and when he said he don't want it ,respect it,
You should have done what he asked of" this could not had happen to you"

You can't look pathetic here when you caused everything upon yourself ,had it been you respected your husband then it could had been another story"

But now sweetheart i can't help you ,you were obstinate
You have to endure the punishment,
You have to reap your reward of labor,perchance you'll learn to respect him next time"
Now if you'll excuse me"

Mom mom fareed try to hold her back but she ignored him as she pace to the door direction"_

I was startled ,i was disappointed ,i really really wasn't expecting that ,
Emotions i had buried deep inside me fought to claw their way out"

Look aysha i didn't know what else to say ,mom!
She s-h-- let me go and talk to her he stammered "

I called him out ,"don't do that "its okay please,i said taking my belongings ,
I have to go"
I walked out through the back door "

She pulverised my heart,trust and faith".

Not professionally edited !
In dedication to ameeiyrah87


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