
265 1 0

April 11th, 2002


Gracie's POV:

I was studying for my science test when I heard a knock on the door. "uh, come in!" I said. I heard the doorknob turn and the door open. "uh, hi!" it was luke. "oh hi!" I exclaimed, turning around in my desk chair. "hey! I have a question for you!" he offered. "hit me!" I replied. "Okay, look, I wanted to ask you a favor. Oh. Uh. I was wondering if you could tutor Jess." he offered. "what?" I asked, with a somewhat a laugh. "he's not doing too well in school. The principal said he's not gonna let him move on unless something changes. I was wondering if you could help." he added. "That doesn't make any sense, he's smart enough to pass any subject," I replied. "I don't think it's his lack of smarts, more like his lack of proximity to the actual classes that are the problem," he replied. "Okay, what subject does he need help in?" I asked. "I'd say all of them, probably." He replied. "huh." I said. "Look, I don't expect you to work miracles and it doesn't have to be a full-time everyday thing. If you could just get him through a couple of his next tests, maybe make the school see that he can do it, that would probably help out a lot." he offered. "oh yeah, sure." I said. "great, tonight?" he asked. "tonight." I repeated.  "I appreciate this. Ah, okay, you should get back to your studying, otherwise, you're completely useless to me." He said, jokingly. "well, I'm going to be late for school, see you tonight." I left and went to school.

I walked into school, and went to my locker. "what are you doing tonight?" Taylor asked. "hmm, oh I have tutoring," I replied, unlocking my locker. "Gracie! you never can hang out on Fridays, and we usually hang out on Thursdays!" Taylor exclaimed. "yeah but I want to get into yale, therefor I have to do extra credit!" I replied, grabbing my books from my locker. "that's why you should come to Europe with Greyson, Dylan, Liam, Shelby, and I! so Greyson can get into Penn, Dylan into Cornell, Liam into Harvard, Shelby into Cornell, me into brown, and you into yale!" she offered. "what are the odds that all of us, plus Rory, plus Paris, and all the stupid kids with money get into ivy leagues?" I asked, slamming my locker. "we all have our connections! see Greyson has relatives going back to the dark ages going to Penn, Dylan and Shelby have the same with Cornell, I have the same with Penn, and you and Liam are the smartest people in our grade, and your both running for valedictorian." she replied, while we walked to science. "but I have the thing in Washington," I replied.  "things look better in college applications!" Taylor offered. "hey guys!" Shelby said, stumbling behind us. "shouldn't Gracie come to Europe?" Taylor asked.  "yes! speaking of which my parents said Dylan and I can't go if Gracie doesn't!" Shelby added. "I will think about it!"

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