Out and About

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Piper pov

Mhh, how did we just discover these!?" I laughed and took another sip of my cookie dough smoothie, letting the taste linger on my tongue. " So, where do you want to go next?" Asked Thalia. So far we had gone to Apple, Aerocrombie, Nike, Hot topic, and Bath and body works ( much to Thalia's dismay, I made her get some good smelling lotion). "How about Camp, My feet hurt, and shopping is boring" I hate it when Hazel whines. " Well, we could go to.." I was stuck, where could we go? "I know! We could go to the Club!" Hazel squealed. "WHAT!?" Thalia gaped at her. I was shocked too. Seriously, she is never like this. "Well, we have not gone somewhere Hazel has wanted to go, so I vote yes" Thalia groaned but nodded her head. Hazel grinned, and steered us to a cab.

Hazels pov

At the club

The lights were blinding, and the music blared loud, but I could still hear Thalia's groan. I tugged at the bottoms of my dress, trying to bring it down lower. "Well Haze, What do you want to do?" I thought. "DANCE!!!!!!!!" I yelled and Ran to the dance floor. As soon as Piper and Thalia got to the floor, a bunch of guys crowded around us. "Hey, do you want to dance?" On asked, putting his hand around Piper's waist. " Unless you are my boyfriend, get your sorry ass outa' here" Piper retorted. His freinds moved to me and Thalia. I gave the same response Piper gave, while Thalia kicked them in the nuts. " Great idea haze!" Shouted Piper, her hair flying back and forth. For once I was a normal girl, no being teased about being black or going to te under world or monsters. Just normal. "I am pooped" Said Thalia as we sat in the back of a cab, shopping bags in hand. "That was fu-" I stopped short when the front of a Lexus hit the cab, and Piper screamed.

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