Ch.7:New Caledonia

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Alexis' POV

The first thing I hear when I wake up is the pilot's voice saying that we reached New Caledonia. We fell asleep during the long trip. As we get out of the jet I stretch a lot. They took us to a resort with the bluest water. It was beautiful.

As we were walking down the dock two girls in bikinis came up and hugged Yi Jung and Woo Bin.

I felt something weird. Maybe jealousy.
I could tell Ga Eul felt the same way. She had something for Yi Jung.

After that we went to our resort rooms.
They were awesome. When we were done looking at out rooms we went sightseeing.

Jan Di and Jun Pyo went to an island across the resort,Yi Jung is babysitting Ga Eul,Ji Hoo is probably with the two other girls, and only Woo Bin and me are left with nothing to do.

I don't want to miss anything so I start with going to the kayaks. Woo Bin follows me. I blush but I'm able to hide it. I get in the kayak and start padding. Woo Bin get in too and takes the pad in my left hand. I just ignore it and continue padding. He then asks me,"So what do you think so far?" "What about?" "The trip." "I only got here two hours ago. Be patient." To this he smiles.

Then I ask him,"You don't look as surprised as the girls. How many times have you been here?" "Nine times. But it's the scenery that I like the most plus Jun Pyo's family owns the whole island and resort. You don't look surprised to what I just said." "My dad's the owner of a huge company in America called Canoj. I came to Korea because Shin Hwa was a great school. I already knew Korean because my mom was Korean.
She passed away two years ago though." "Oh. I'm so sorry." I just nod.

The whole kayak trip was silent.

After half an hour we came back to shore. This time I'm going to a restaraunt called Belif because I'm hungry. Of course Woo Bin is following me. I go inside and eat with Woo Bin sitting across me. Just as I was gonna go pay a man approaches me. He was hitting on me. He kept asking where I lived and if I wanted to go to a club with him. Woo Bin finally noticed and got up from his seat.

When he was close enough to seriously hurt the guy, I say,"He's not worth it." Woo Bin backs off and says,"Lets get out of here."

Woo Bin's POV

As we were leaving I thought if I should go back in and give that guy a beating but then I thought that Alexis wouldn't like that.

When it was night we all decided to relax by the pool. Alexis looked beautiful in her ruby red dress she bought in the mall. Wait was the Don Juan of F4 actually falling for someone? Aish what is happening to me?

Alexis' POV

It is soon night and all of us are hanging and dancing by the pool. The two foreign girls are here dancing with Yi Jung and Woo Bin. I'm am not happy and I can tell Ga Eul feels the same way.

I looked away and walked towards Jun Pyo. I asked him,"So where's the climax?" "Huh?" "You know the climax. Where you do the most magical part to Jan Di." Suddenly fireworks explode in the sky. Then Jun Pyo replies,"Thats the climax." I'm actually impressed.

All of the sudden I get thirsty. I see a glass full of water on the table and drink it all. That was not water.

After a few moments I feel woozy. Then I change the song the guys were dancing to. It was now Run the Show by Kat Deluna. When it started I started dancing. But the miracle part was it was a good dance.

Again the guys are surprised. When the chorus comes everybody enjoys it and they dance along even the foreign girls.

Then I black out.

Woo Bin's POV

We're all dancing to the music. Until the song changes. We all looked around to see what had caused it. Then I see Alexis change the song. She starts dancing. Really good dancing. Eventually we all join in dancing.

When the song ends I see Alexis fall on the ground. We all come and surround her. I then look on the table and see an empty cup. I walk over to it smell it and see Alexis' lip stain on it. I know what happened. I go over to the guys and explain what happened. "Yah Woo Bin why don't you take Alexis to her room." Ji Hoo said. "Ok", I replied.

I carefully carry Alexis in my arms. I go to her room and set her on the bed. I move a strand of hair from her face.
'She's so beautiful', I think. This time I can't deny my feelings. But does she like me back?

I kiss her gently on the forehead and close the door quietly.

Alexis' POV

I wake up with my head pounding. I get up and go to my suitcase to get some aspirin. As soon as I eat that, I feel better.

I freshen up and wear a white lace crop top with a pair of denim shorts and some sandals. Today we're going horse back riding. Then I make my way to breakfast.

When we're done with breakfast we go to the horses. As we're riding I go ahead of Woo Bin so he thinks it's a race. Then Yi Jung and Ji Hoo chime in. Now it's a race.

At the end of the path the first one there was me. "Ha I win you lose. Now as winner you all have to grant my wish. Tonight for dinner you all must cook for the rest of us." Deal",the three guys said.

After about an hour we went to the beach. I put on a bikini but since I didn't really like to show off my body I put a see through shirt on.

All of the sudden I hear Ga Eul shout Jan Di is drowning. Me and Ji Hoo jump into the water. I get to Jan Di first and then Ji Hoo comes and carries her back to shore. She coughs and gets up.
"Thank god, she's okay", I gasp.

Woo Bin's POV

It is finally night and me, Ji Hoo,and Yi Jung have to prepare a meal for the rest of the guys. We all decided make pasta since it was easy.

We rented the kitchen of a restaraunt since we didn't have a kitchen. We started boiling the pasta and adding cheese. When we were done we all took it to a table with the guys in it. "Voila", I said when I put it on the table. I am proud.

Alexis' POV

When I took a bite out of the pasta it tasted divine. All of us said mmm in ecstasy. After dinner Woo Bin and I took a stroll outside.

While we were walking the guy at the restaraunt who was hitting at me was was flirting with me again. I then saw Woo Bin clench his fist and punched the guy at the jaw. Before he could give a second punch I separated them.

I took Woo Bin's hand and dragged him away. "What did you that for"? I asked him. "Because I like you okay!"
Then he ran away before I could say anything.

I went back to my room and thought about what Woo Bin said. 'Do I like him too. Then I dozed off into a deep sleep.

I woke up the next morning and put on some skinny jeans and an off shoulder shirt. I went to the table where everybody else was. "Where's Jun Pyo", I asked.

Yi Jung replied saying,"He left early in the morning so we're all gonna leave on Woo Bin's ship." "Oh,ok."

After eating breakfast we went to Woo Bin's ship. I felt kinda awkward around him because of last night. So we basically give the silent treatment to each other.

After a couple of hours we were back in Seoul,Korea. After thinking a lot I was going to confess my feeling to Woo Bin.
The only problem was I didn't know when.

End of Chapter

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