Ch.10:Solutions and Problems

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Alexis' POV

I wake up very very happy. The feuds are finally over! I walk over to Jan Di's bed and wake her up. She gets up and runs to the bathroom as if she forgot something.

She gets out twenty minutes later wearing a something she would wear to impress but it's still casual.

I finally remember.

I stride to Jan Di and say,"So where are you going out for your date with Ji Hoo." "What!?!
How did you know?" "I heard you talking to yourself about it when I was in the bathroom." "Ah ok. Well I don't know where we're going." "Ok have fun. Bye!"

Jan Di walks out carefully and when she's about to leave we hear,"Ahhhhhh!"

I come out of the room and see Jan Di's parents pestering her about her date. I smile. I love how they're so open and like family. Umma fangirls,"The former president's grandson's wife!"

Jan Di face palms herself and hurriedly leaves. I chuckle and walk to the bathroom. I do my morning routine and take my dance bag.

I bid good bye and walk to the dance practice my dad rented for me. It was in Shin Hwa Highschool so I knew where it was.

I got there and changed into my dance clothes in the locker room. I was wearing a pair of pink running shorts,a white tee,and my dance shoes.

I start to practice until my feet hurt. I go to the locker room and change into my normal clothes which was a white skater skirt,black stockings,a black blouse with ruffles,and white booties.

I leave and see Woo Bin and Yi Jung outside. I walk over to them and greet them. "Hey guys. What are you doing here?" "To watch you dance",Yi Jung replies. "Too late and really what do you guys want?" "We have a plan and we need you."

They explained that Ji Hoo and them had a plan to get Jan Di and Jun Pyo back together again. I nodded,"So that's why Ji Hoo asked Jan Di out."
After a few seconds of thinking I reply,"I'm in."

Woo Bin's POV

Our plan was doing good so far. Reasons:

1.We convinced Jun Pyo to go spy on Jan Di and Ji Hoo's date.

2.We got Alexis to join in.

3.I could get closer to Alexis by going along with this plan.

Right now we're (we're meaning only F4) all playing hockey. Jun Pyo keeps trying to bump Ji Hoo. Jun Pyo finally pushes down Ji Hoo and starts to punch him. Ji Hoo gets Jun Pyo off of him and Jun Pyo storms off.

Yi Jung and I help Ji Hoo. I chuckle,"You bastard." We all chuckle walking to the locker rooms to tell Jun Pyo about our plan.

Alexis' POV

I wake up. Jan Di's date was yesterday which meant today was the day Jan Di and Jun Pyo are gonna be back together.

I smile at the thought. I walk to the bathroom and take a shower. I'm wearing skinny jeans,a black blouse,and brown boots. My hair is in an top knot.

When I'm finished I go to the hospital.

(A/N:Wonder why the hospital? You'll find out soon.)

I meet the guys there and they tell me to take out my phone and call Jan Di.

I dial her number,"Jan Di-ah! Please come to Yonhyun Hospital! Jun Pyo got in an accident! Hurry!" I say imitating a cry.
"Bwo!!! I'm coming", she replies. I end the call.

"Done and now we wait", I say to the guys. They smirk impressed by my acting and I smile back at them.

After only ten minutes Jan Di bursts onto Jun Pyo's hospital room. She walks to Jun Pyo's side and looks at his so called 'unconscious' body. She hold his hand and tears slip out.

"I'm so sorry Jun Pyo. I-." "Like me", Jun Pyo interrupts. "Wh-what?",she stutters.

We then finally walk in and smile.

"We could only get you to confess your feelings to Jun Pyo if we told you Jun Pyo almost died", I tell Jan Di.

Jan Di looked shocked and then looked over too Jun Pyo who was grinning.
She started to beat up Jun Pyo.

I hold in a stifled laugh.

Finally we are at peace.

Woo Bin's POV

I look at Alexis smiling. She has a smile that would cheer anyone up.

Jun Pyo is taking Jan Di on a date and the guys also have plans so I'm free.

I notice Alexis walking alone. I pull my car up to her and tell her to come in. She refuses but in the end I win.

It was very awkward in the car so I asked the most stupidest question I could ever ask. "Do you like me?"

We were at her house already so she tried to leave but I grabbed her wrist before she could leave the car. I repeat it again but clearer this time, "Do you like me?"

"Yes",she says softly. "What", I pretend not to hear. Her face reddens. "Yes",she  
says louder. I smile and let go.

She walks fast trying to hide from the embarrassment. I chuckle,'She's too cute'.

Anyways all that mattered now was that she said yes.

Alexis' POV

I enter my home and sigh. 'I was so red! So embarrassing!' I walk to my room and change into my pjs which were shorts,a t-shirt,and bunny slippers.

Suddenly the door bell rings and I hear doors shutting and opening. I walk over to the commotion.

I see none other than the 'great' Jun Pyo. I walk to him,"What are you doing here?" "A sleepover of course",he replies. "There is no way we will let you stay." Umma then says,"Come in! You are always welcome!" Appa joins in,"You shouldn't leave. Its so late too."

Jun Pyo smirks at me as he's coming in.

Jan Di then comes out of our room and sees Jun Pyo. She glares at him while he's smiling.

Umma starts talking,"I've prepared the bed."

We look into a room with a floor bed.
'I guess we won't be sleeping in our normal place'.

Appa then hands Jun Pyo something blue and tells him to go to the bathroom. After five minutes he comes out.

I laugh and roll on the floor when he comes but I quickly get a hold of myself 
and stop.

Jun Pyo was wearing a short blue tracksuit. It's funnier than you think.

Then Appa and Kang San come out in a green and pink matching tracksuit.
I bite my tongue to hold in my laughter.

We finally go to bed after that tracksuit moment.

In the middle of the night I could hear Jan Di and Jun Pyo bickering.

I smile to myself. Today I've been smiling a lot,haven't I?

Jan Di and Jun Pyo's story still has a long way to go but what about my story?

End of Chapter

Hey guys! I've finally given you a chapter. Sorry if it seems rushed. I just wanted to give you this chapter after a long wait. Also did you like the Woo Bin and Alexis moment I added?
Don't forget to.......................






Bye my beautiful readers.

                                -Leila AKA Alisha

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