Ch 1: A Fresh Start

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Alexis' POV
I look at my bedroom and sigh. Tomorrow I will be in Korea, joining a new family. I will be happy but I'll still miss my friends and family.


I stand in the airport of Seoul and see a girl my age holding up a sign that has my name on it. I walk over and say,"Hi I'm Alexis." The girl looks at me and says,"Oh hello,I'm Geum Jan Di. From now on you will stay with us", she says happily. I grin. We walk outside and see two bikes. One purple and one pink. "The pink one is mine and the purple one us yours. Sorry if it's kind of bad transportation",Jan Di says. A big smile is planted on my face and when she sees that, she gets a grin. I've always wanted a bike to ride around the city but my father says you could get hurt. I never listen anyway though.

We ride home in our new bikes. As soon as I meet her parents I'm allowed to call them Umma and Appa and her little brother's so smart and sweet. I'm gonna feel right at home.

I wake up the next morning. I get ready for Shin Hwa. I put on light makeup, style the ends of my hair into curls,put on my school uniform,and put on some combat boots. I go into the kitchen for breakfast and as soon as I'm done eating, I go outside with Jan Di and then we take off with our bikes.

As we're are riding to Shin Hwa, I was having second thoughts. Will the people over there like me. I looked different from the rest of them. Before I knew it we saw huge gates. "So that's what Shin Hwa looks like", I said in awe.

(Sorry for the short chapter I will try to make them longer.  Well until next time my lovelies. Bye!)

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